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05-07-06, 13:06

I am new to this anxiety thing as I have only been suffering for the last 3 months. Does anybody get symptoms that are really hard to explain to anyone.

I get a funny sensation that goes through the whole of my body. I've beento the doctors and he says all it is is anxiety but I can't see how he can say that when I struggle to explain how I'm feeling.

I'm terrified at the minute that I have a brain tumour or an aneurysm or something and I just can't seem to get it out of my head. How do you cope.

THis feeling has been going on for about 2 days before that it was something else.

I hate myself for feeling like this and I feel that I am dragging everyone else around me down with me.

Sorry for going on but I am working from home today so I am alone and feel terrible.

Thank you for listenining any advice would be really appreciated.

05-07-06, 13:32
hi Rach,

Welcome aboard! :D

I can understand the health anxiety that you are going through. I have had the same thing on and off for 3 years now. You need to tell yourself that it's all in your head. The fact that the illness or health problem that you are worried about changes the whole time proves that. If you actually did have something, the same symptoms and worries would be there the whole time. The funny sensation that you feel throughout your whole body is quite common with anxiety and I have had that as well.

What help are you getting to help with your anxiety?

Sarah :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

05-07-06, 13:36
Thanks for replying Sarah. I have been to the doctors today and he has arranged for me to go and see a counsellor. I have an appointment on the 14th August (hopefully I'll feel alot better by then).

He is also sending me to an ENT specialist as I have problems with my sinuses which causes numbness in my cheek.

My doctor is really good and so are my friends and family but I hate myself for feeling the way I do. I wish I could be sent for an MRI or something for them to say its nothing.

The doctor told me today that on his list of diagnosises brain tumour is at the bottom I know I'm being sillybut its hard when you feel crap all of the time.

Thanks again for listenining its nice to talk to people who understand.


05-07-06, 13:44
Hi Rach,

You'd be amazed at how many people on here *think* they have a brain tumour. Yet they all seem to survive! But as Sarah says, it's all mind stuff, and for one who has had umpteen different symptoms for nearly three years, I know how hard it is to believe that there is nothing physically wrong with you.

Glad you went to the docs and that you now have some counselling lined up. Every little bit helps.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

05-07-06, 13:56
hi rach i feel exactly the same way,i have been thinking i,ve got a brain tumour for the last 4 years.when i go to the doctors with a symptom she puts it down to anxiety,and then it goes on to another.i,m like you i HATE the way i feel,and don,t think it,s fair on my husband and children,i feel so guilty for feeling this way,but i can,t help it.it,s good that you have got a supportive family that really helps.feel free to pm me anytime.sorry i could,nt give any real advice but just know your not alone take care rachelx x x

05-07-06, 14:21
Hi Rach,
I've had very strange sensations come over me right before a panic attacks sets in. I get a burning sensation that seems to travel up into my head. This makes things even worse! This site has helped me realize that anxiety can give you very strange sensations. After having attacks, I often spend the day with a knot in my stomach, worried that the attack must have been attributed to something medically wrong with me. I'm still struggling to get a handle on this panic thing, but it sure helps to know that so many out there are experiencing the same types of things and that I'm not alone. I've had some success lately with deep breathing techniques and distracting myself. A teacher I used to work with who had nighttime panic attacks suggested I prop my legs straight up against a wall. This with the deep breathing has helped me. I don't know if you get a rapid heartbeat but this slows mine down to a normal rhythm. Good luck.

Will Loynes
06-07-06, 18:52
Hi Rach,
When I first went to the doctors I was told that I had a panic and anxiety issue but I kept telling myself how could this be me? I ignored his advice for a long time and put up with feelings such as dizziness, chest pains, pins and needles in hands and arms, IBS, headaches, nausea to name but a few. I think that there is such a broad spectrum of ailments associated with panic, anxiety and depression that doctors try to pigeon hole us all.
I have found that this is a brilliant website and that on a daily basis it is possible to find somebody to talk to concerning the issues of the day.
I hope that you keep coming back and find an answer to your own issues.
Will [^]

emma chant
06-07-06, 19:55
Trust me you don't have a brain tumor.

e chant