View Full Version : Day after drinking symptoms...scaring me...

23-04-12, 19:55

Ok so i had prob a can or more than usual last night as the anxiety was bad after the husband left for a few weeks.

I woke up this morning with the usual feelings you would expect, bit off balance and felt sick ( didnt vomit though )..My vody felt like it was trmbling for a bit, eyesight a bit blurry and pins and needles in my hands, lips and face.....

Ive eaten loads of fruit, spinach, cheese, toast and drank loads of water....

Now its 8pm and i still feel weird, my fingers and face including lips have pins and needles...at one point my cheeks felt like they were moving....

I havnt had anything to drink today but its scaring me....im scared that im going to have a stroke or something.....

Does anyone else get this weird face tingling thing? :weep:

23-04-12, 20:05
..could be the withdrawl of the alcohol still.
Dont know how much you had but it takes 2 hours for your body to break down one can ....
you could be dehydrated too..
make sure you eat and drink lots of water....

23-04-12, 20:07
Hi Stormsky

I dont want to say, but it was a little more than usual....i do have a few everynight...but ive not felt weird like this before....i dont feel sick or anything but my body is driving me nuts....


23-04-12, 20:12
well add the drink to your heightened anxiety (due to your hubby being away and it being the first night alone) , thats quite a mix of alcohol and adrenaline as well as the normal anxiety aches and tingles !!

23-04-12, 20:15
Yeah i guess your right....

I was saying this morning thats it...no more drinking in the week...but then i think about Amy W, and how she gave up alcohol and died....Ive only been regular daily for a few months and doubt its as much as what she did but it worries me....

23-04-12, 20:17
I get sooo many awful symptoms after drinking to much the night before...

I usually feel just hungover until around 5pm the next day... thats when I feel so weird, I go cold and get chills and I just become afraid of every single thought in my head... I start doing things like checking my pulse every minute and looking at the backs of hands and I usually end up with my head stuck out my bedroom window completely petrified convinced im having a heart attack. I put my boyfriend through hell freaking out about every sensation and a churning stomach. I always try and eat plenty and drink plenty the morning after but it still occurs.

I wish I new why this happened. I always thought maybe sugar levels or insulin levels dropping rapidly or something once all the alcohol has gone but thats only a guess. It's not surprising really though, alcohol basically is POISON, and if you suffer from anxiety you are 100 times more sensitive to every twinge and sensation in your body so your bound to blow it up like crazy once your back to being sober and back to being a worrier :winks:

23-04-12, 20:25
awwwww i just hate it....i literally looked up about 5 mins ago and i had silver sparks slowly falling for about 10 seconds....what the heck is that about????

im trying not to panic but my face is doing weird things.....

23-04-12, 21:11
Hi, I get all the things you have described without drinking, but drinking does make it worse , if i'm at a bad point with anxiety and i have even half a beer my body goes crazy . I think anxiety plus alcohol is a terrible mix

23-04-12, 21:20
Hi i know this isnt recommended but if im badly hungover and anxious and its nearly time for bed i know ill stuggle to get to sleep coz ill be anxious and still feel bad the next day so i have a few drinks just to relax me just a few so im not feeling so bad then when im feelin a bit better i go to bed earlyish have a good sleep and feel loads better the next day theres nothing worse than hangovers and anxiety hope your ok x

23-04-12, 22:23
Hi Rach

I think thats the main problem....i hated citalopram and sertraline so am not on any meds anymore....

Everytime i have a drink the anxiety dissapears....i love it...i feel normal. i dont usually feel bad in the mornings...i think i just had a couple of extra drinks than usual.

Ive just had a bath....i dont feel bad like have a headache or anything...its this crazy tingling pins and needles in my hands and face...I just want it to stop. i only had a half a pint tonight so my body wouldnt be in too much shock.....

Ive not had it before....ive looked on the internet :whistles: and have seen other people describing similar symptoms but havnt checked main problems accosiated with it as i know i will have a panic attack....

funny though as ive not had a couple im wide awake....
gonna force sleep tonight i think :unsure:

24-04-12, 02:02
Same here, if I go 1 over I am screwed the next day! I have cut way back on beer, but if I go over, I get panic attacks, feel like my heart will stop, my body feels tingly and trembly...always checking the heart rate, etc. I still have a few everynight, but like I said I cut way back and it helped...oh and I get the silvery sparks to. I don't know what they are from, but I think they are common!

24-04-12, 06:20

Glad to know someone else experiences this...It took me quite a while to get to sleep last night, i kept thinking my heart was going to stop as it was beating quite slow....
Thing is lol, i actually feel rough...prob cas i didnt have a proper drink....
Im gonna stick to this for a bit though and give my body a break...Theres always Alcohol Free....


24-04-12, 12:52
I have had hangovers last until night time the next day. You have depleted your body of all the nutrients and hydration so you really need to replenish that. If you have been drinking on an ongoing daily basis this probably just built up. For some reason bananas and water used to help me in my college days.

I think that people who have died from withdrawal symptoms would be heavily drinking for much longer than you have been drinking daily. I don't think you need to worry about that.