View Full Version : am i in the right place?

23-04-12, 20:49
Hi im Rob and just thought id join to maybe get some advise/help others

Im 27 with 2 young kids, 6 months ago i was a healthy fit person, sat watching tv one night when i started getting an odd chest pain which lasted a few minutes, i decided to get up for a drink of water, as soon as i stood up i felt very dizzy and colapsed back on the sofa, my heart rate and breathing hit the roof, at this point i was sure i was dying, then i got severe pins and needles in my hands and they started clamping up, at this point the abulance arrived and the result was a panic attack, in the weeks that followed i had several more, ending up in e.r the second time, and the times that followed o just breathed through it.

Now since then, every day i have a different symptom, pains all over, headaches, cant sleep then want to sleep all day, generaly feeling like shit all the time

The last 2 weeks my eyes have been twitching and hurting, and every couple of days i have a deep head ache, doc put it down to sinus infection, me, i worry its a brain tumour which makes me worry, which in turn comes with anxiety symptoms

Im at my whits end and need people who jave an ideas help

Am i going mad or is this all normal? Thanks very much to anyone that can help

23-04-12, 20:50
Hi robk

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-04-12, 20:54
hi Robk.:welcome: to NMP.sorry to hear your are expereincing panic attack. Dont worry you will get loads of advice here..people are here very supportive and helpfull:hugs: and certainly you are not going mad,its just overflow of adrenaline on your body.

23-04-12, 21:07
Hi Rob

Welcome along hun :hugs:

Unfortunately there is no rhyme or reason to this damn condition. It can come out of the blue for no apparent reason and completely floor us.

Everything you have explained does seem pretty common but you did the right thing by seeking medical advice.

Have a wee read through the forum as it can be a huge help for someone new to this.

We're all here to help you so please don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions or concerns.

Take care


23-04-12, 21:08
Thanks very much so far, reasurance is a good feeling, i should add, before all this started i had no worrys, loved life and family, nice house good job, it just came from nowhere!!

23-04-12, 21:22
Some people think that you have to have had some type of trauma in your life to be effected by anxiety and alot of the time it is the case but alas not for everyone. We have many members like you who are completely stumped for answers as to why. Unfortunately, sometimes there just isn't a trigger point and that's so frustrating.

24-04-12, 18:17
Hi Rob and a big, warm :welcome: to NMP!
