View Full Version : Cat Bite/Tetanus

23-04-12, 22:07
Was bitten by a mates cat at the weekend, I didn't bleed and didn't see much marks on my hand but it bothers me could I get a Tetanus infection?

I'm pretty sure I had all my Tetanus jabs so does that mean I am immunised for life?

23-04-12, 22:19
Hi - I would have thought that your tetanus jab would be up-to-date, as it has always been standard practice for kids to be immunised several times. I seem to remember there was talk press coverage a few years ago, that people were being over-vaccinated. I reckon the best thing to do would be to call NHS direct who will advise whether this maybe the way to go. They may suggest anti-biotics as a precautionary measure

Hope that helps :)

24-04-12, 12:59
Tetanus vaccines last 10 years.

24-04-12, 18:37
Hi - I would pop along and see your practice nurse as she can check your records to see if your tetanus is up to date and also get antibiotics prescribed. They don't last ten years - You need to ensure you have had a full course and once you have had them all you will be protected for life.

24-04-12, 19:55
Oh, that's interesting. Over here they make you get a booster every ten years as an adult.

24-04-12, 21:55
Here the complete course consists of 5 doses received at appropriate intervals - they did administer booster doses here but it changed a few years ago like Lollypop posted. We have three doses as a baby, a pre school booster and a fifth dose at around school leaver age. I would always advise someone to get their tetanus status checked at GP - even if they think they are covered just in case. I do wonder also if they would consider another dose if someone was traveling to a high risk country or something.

24-04-12, 23:58
I spoke to my doctor about this today, he said that I am due a booster but then again I would have already been immunised for life as I had all the jabs as a kid, he said I should be fine as I didn't bleed or anything.

26-04-12, 21:10
Still worried about this especially with me feeling dodgy today, Had a bad itch yesterday that has caused me to have a scab although when I was bitten there was no blood and couldn't really see a mark.

26-04-12, 21:29
I'd recommend calling your GPs office and checking whether your latest tetanus jab will cover you for this. I've called them a couple of times in the last 2 years, from stepping on a nail outside to my dog accidentally biting me! Whoops. Lol.

My OH called them a few months back and he was told that because he'd had 5 jabs, he was covered for life now.

If you're not feeling right, have a temp or it looks redder than normal then a trip to the Drs might be in order just to rule out an infection :) I've been bitten a number of times by cats and been absolutely fine x