View Full Version : Sorry if you hear this every day but a list of my problems.

23-04-12, 23:29
Constant dizziness

pins and needles in my arms / hands / legs / face / tongue

cold finger tips

arm aches

real bad constant headaches

feel out of touch with the world,lost

my cheekbone has pain

constant noise in right ear (sounds like a plane engine)

shooting pains in chest area

jolting awake when nodding off to sleep

feel weak in legs and arms

there's loads more it's just unreal how many things I have and how hard it is just to get through each day...there's always something

at the moment my main worries are a constant ache in the sides of my head,weird smells (coffee) when sniffing up appear,ache in my lower left arm,cold finger tips , pins and needles and cheekbone hurts on face...all this at once i'm struggling to cope.

23-04-12, 23:33
You'll be ok... focus on doing something particular, distract yourself. Laugh at something! It really helps. This will all pass...

23-04-12, 23:55
are u on meds hun?
see gp asap and give him list of symptoms x