View Full Version : Wow what a bad day...

24-04-12, 01:17
It's just been one of those days lol.

First, had an exam to write. Slept through my alarm and woke up late...ran there. Then spent the rest of the day cramming for my exam tmmrw. Then get a call from the doctors saying to come in for blood work :S Go there after I'm done my work, and they're closing...come back tmmrw.
Then I go home and there's a fire alarm. We all cram outside, firetrucks come and it's a false alarm. We all wait in front of elevators only to realize they won't work. Take 20 flights of stairs to my apartment and the fire alarm is still going off because they can't turn it off! Me and my roommate go in search of a coffee shop to study in and they're all full. Finally, defeated come back home and crash. Have to take the stairs up again -_-
Thing is, now I feel so sick and angsty and I honestly feel like I'm about to cry! I don't even know why, usually I'm good at dealing with these annoying stressful days. I feel so unstable and emotional at this moment, lol.
Can someone relate? Ive never felt like this before! I think I'm just tired and stressed but I just feel like I'm going to pieces lol. Help :weep:

24-04-12, 11:36
poor you sounds like a hectic day :hugs:
I've never been one for dealing with stressful situations well where most people seem to just glide through them.
I think that if you're emotionally fragile at the mo anyway then situations you would normally find a breeze become distressing.
When I have days like that I make myself a cup of chamomile tea and sit with some relaxing music on (loads available on youtube) then have a hot bath with lavender in taking regular breaths in for 3 and out for 4 then have a good nights sleep. Hopefully you have the time/space alone to do that if not ask your room mate not to disturb you in your room cos you need chill time and put your earphones with relaxing music in and do the breathing.
Hope this helps and best wishes with the exam!
P.s. I've heard that chewing gum during an exam is good for stress release and memory recall :)

24-04-12, 17:06
wow! what a day. It's not surprising you feel exhausted and tearful - that kind of day would probably finish off superhumans too. Well done for coming out the other side! Good luck in your next exam. Just remember to breathe! :shades: