View Full Version : Insomnia Scared!!

05-07-06, 13:41
I haven't had a decent nights sleep in 3 months ore more. Now I am even more scared because even though I am on both tofranil and Ambien I still can't get more then an hours worth of sleep which makes me feel like I will never sleep again. Anyont else gone through such a long period without sleep?

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

05-07-06, 14:14
hi attsila,i too go for months without slleping properly,and constatly feel worn out.have you tried lavender oil on your pillow?quite a few people have recommended this.it,s horrible when you still have to go to work and look after your family etc. when you,ve only had a few hours sleep!!!also i think thatour bodies do become used to not having enough sleep!take care rachelx x x

05-07-06, 19:16
I go through stages of not sleeping too. My latest one lasted 6 months and I was only getting a couple of hours a night, after time your body does adjust and you sort of get used to it!
love Helen

05-07-06, 19:48
Hi there, how awful is not sleeping eh? add to that the anxiety/panic/depression and what a disaster. I haven't had a good nights sleep for years (along with many others here), I do not really have any advice, but I find the more i worry about not sleeping, I don't sleep! Try all the advice that is offered here by reading old posts on this subject. relax before bed, nice bath, no caffeine, all the obvious things really. If you do wake, don't let it scare you and do not look at the clock and think...only 2 hours then i have to get up! Things will improve once you do not let them worry you. Relax when you can, don't sleep for too long if you nap during the day, and please don't let it scare you. xx