View Full Version : 4 week headache!!

24-04-12, 14:23
I've had this odd headache now for 4 weeks always in the same place feels deep inside my head like some one is pushing down on it, at worse it feels like I've been hit on the top of the head. I've started to worry excessively about it, tumour, aneurism, ect as it just won't go away, if i wake in the middle of the night its there. Is this anxiety or should i got to the doctors?:unsure:

24-04-12, 17:36
I would go to the doctors for reassurance. I normally find that once I start worrying less about something, the symptoms gradually subside.

24-04-12, 18:56
Go to the docs, and please listen and trust what he says, it sounds exactly like a tension headache to me

26-04-12, 12:20
Went to the docs, he has suggested that i go for a CT scan on my head.
Now i think there really is something wrong!!


26-04-12, 13:06
...and there were no reasons WHY he wanted a CT scan? I'm sure he would have said "well, i suspect it could possibly, maybe, potentially be...." or "We'll test you for...".


26-04-12, 13:14
He probably saw how worried you are, and thought it would offer you reassurance

26-04-12, 14:16
I agree with Jade. It is probably precautionary to rule out anything.

26-04-12, 17:40
I agree he probably know's that your anxious & is doing it to put your mind at rest. Didn't he say why he's referring you? I too have H/A & at time's it get's really bad. A few months ago my DR sent me for loads of blood tests when I asked why he saidit was to put my mind at rest. Good luck hun it's probably anxiety try not to worry :)

26-04-12, 20:02
Thanks guys.
to be fair the only thing he really said was that he takes all symptoms seriously. i thought ok, is that a good or bad thing, but he knows i'm an anxious person and has been quite vocal about that. so i would say that he is doing it for my benefit, but of course the anxiety takes over and i still have trouble shutting out the 'WHAT IF'!!

27-04-12, 20:41
hi wilks, my sister had a headache for a few weeks went to her gp and he sent her that VERY same day for a head scan she was terrified, her scan was all clear, headaches are funny things and can go on and on for weeks i had one for 10 weeks and it just pounded and pounded and wouldnt stop, when my gp explained properly that it was tension, i found after a few days it got less and less i wont say dont worry its easier said than done, let us all know how you get on good luck.