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View Full Version : Hi all, I'm new and need info. on medication side effects please

24-04-12, 16:05
I'm a 52 yr old female from the south of England. I was googling my new medication for known side effects and came across this site. I have never signed up to anything like this before but I felt so desperately alone during my last crisis that I thought I'd look around the site - I couldn't believe how many of you are out there like me. That in itself is a great comfort. I have suffered from depression for nearly 20 years and have taken many different meds. some worked, some didn't. After speaking to my GP a couple of weeks ago she begrudgingly agreed for me to come off Duloxetine as I couldn't cope with the sleeplessness and nightmares, I had to take Zopiclone in order to sleep and found it difficult to get up for work the next morning. My GP prescribed Mirtazapine and I took my first 15mg tablet last night. I slept like a log until 11.15 a.m. and felt like a zombie when I eventually got out of bed. I am just starting to come round from its effects (it's now 4 p.m.). I rang my surgery, my GP not available so spoke to a different one, they seemed surprised by its effects! I work full time so cannot continue with this drug if this side effect does not get better. I have been advised to cut it in half and take 7.5mg but am fearful this will not help the depression. Has anyone taken Mirtazapine and how did you get on with it? Does anyone have any similar experience with this drug? :wacko:

24-04-12, 16:09
Hi Diamond01

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-04-12, 16:12
Hi Diamond and welcome to the site :)

I agree, finding a place like this where there are folk experiencing the same thing is in itself some comfort.

I've gone the other way with ADs, from Mirtazapine to Duloxetine.

What I can tell you is that what you are experiencing after the first dose of Mirt is completely normal. I felt like a zombie for about 3 days, then this started to wear off and I only felt sleepy straight after taking it (making it great for sleep). The daytime grogginess went away.

Unfortunately for me, the mirtazapine didn't do enough to combat my anxiety, hence my move to duloxetine. However, I know plenty of folks on this site have found great success with Mirtazapine, so there's every chance it will work for you too.

24-04-12, 16:44
Hi Mr Red Shirt

Thanks for the info. I think it's really weird that we all react so differently to ADs. What I find frustrating is that GPs don't seem to understand what we go through with these drugs and all the time we are trying different ones our lives are on hold while we adjust. I have had a significant amount of time off work in the last 2 years in particular, and now another week off while we mess about again.

Thanks again.

24-04-12, 16:47
Hi Mr Red Shirt

Thanks for the info. I think it's really weird that we all react so differently to ADs. What I find frustrating is that GPs don't seem to understand what we go through with these drugs and all the time we are trying different ones our lives are on hold while we adjust. I have had a significant amount of time off work in the last 2 years in particular, and now another week off while we mess about again.

Thanks again.

I totally agree.. I knew about the initial grogginess I was to expect from Mirtazapine, but not from my doctor telling me - I found that out from places such as this site (amongst others)!

24-04-12, 16:57
Hi :welcome:to the site - you will find loads of helpful advice on here.

Don't be too concerned about the start up effects of Mirtazipine. They do wear off.

I was prescribed it after a very bad 4 weeks on 40mg Prozac - my anxiety was sky high - lost loads of weight - having previously been on 20mg and worked brilliantly for 15 odd years - then after a trauma in Oct stopped working. So I was given 15mg of Mirt for 3 weeks - initially I slept like a log, which was very welcoming - and those groggy feelings do wear off, I promise you that, then I was prescribed 30mg, but I found it did not do much really, but that is not to say it will not help you? and please do not be put off by that as we need encouragement.

I have just been diagnosed with OCD (not rituals but thoughts) so this would not do anything for that - have now been prescribed Citalopram and Olanzapine.

Have you ever seen a psychiatrist and tbh this was the best thing I did - had to pay - long story! but feel it was worth it as he said I suffered more with anxiety than depression. You sound as if you have tried SSRIs - but sometimes the psychiatrists add things to them -

Hang on in there and give them a try - and good luck


24-04-12, 18:02
Hi and a big, warm :welcome: to NMP

I can't comment on your meds as I have never taken them but, as the other posters have said, it's completely normal to get these type of side effects during the first week as your body gets used to them so I don't imagine it's anything to be concerned about.

I just wanted to welcome you and reassure you that you're far from alone and that there's always a friendly ear close by on here.

Take care

Pip x

24-04-12, 18:44
Thanks for your comments. I have tried many SSRIs over the years. I saw a psychiatrist in 2005, he prescribed Setraline but I put on loads and loads of weight. He accused me of eating too much chocolate and cake, he never even asked about my lifestyle. My confidence was shattered at this point and I thought, what's the point dealing with people like this. The general consensus in the medical profession is that my depression is caused by long periods of stress and anxiety and what happens now is that when I am under undue stress and anxiety for any period of time, I automatically go to my safe place which is my deep black hole where I can shut down and no-one can get to me. The longer it takes me to deal with the issue(s) that have caused the stress and anxiety, the longer I remain depressed and in my hole if that makes sense. My latest episode started 2 years ago with facial surgery. I cannot come to terms with it therefore I am still suffering. With regard to the meds. I still haven't come round from my one tablet I took last night so will be heading for bed really early tonight!