View Full Version : Can you still get anxiety symptoms when you're only slightly worrying?

24-04-12, 20:34
Basically, I have suffered from anxiety for 2 years now, but recently I have been fine and I've not needed medication at all. But I've been over-thinking and worrying about things, but only slightly. It's not like I'm worrying lots about this stuff, It's kind of in my conscious, but not much.

Even though I am only slightly worrying, can I still get symptoms of anxiety/panic attacks? I have been getting a slight breathlessness at times and some dizziness, but only mild.

Your opinions?

24-04-12, 20:42

My opinion is yes, you can get physical symptoms of anxiety and not be worrying or feel anxious at all. This was how mine started and why I found it so hard to believe the diagnosis.


24-04-12, 20:44
Yes anxiety comes in different forms - any type of worrying is a symptom of anxiety - its just when the worrying becomes excessive and stops you doing things its become a problem.

To worry a little is totally normal, eg, before a driving test - churning stomach, before an exam the same thing but that is common.

Wouldn't worry about too much - sorry the pun!

24-04-12, 21:05
Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason...anxiety and panic can often strike out of the blue when you are least expecting it!!

Try not to worry. It's perfectly normal in my opinion!!

Kitti :)

24-04-12, 21:15
Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason...anxiety and panic can often strike out of the blue when you are least expecting it!!

Try not to worry. It's perfectly normal in my opinion!!

Kitti :)

Yeah, it's bloody annoying though. I hate being out somewhere, feeling normal, then all of a sudden I'll think of something that I worry about a little bit, then the next thing I am having a mild panic attack.

24-04-12, 22:08
Anxiety is a c*nt, it follows no rules or pattern, its like an evil thing that gets inside you. I make no apology for using that word to describe anxiety.

24-04-12, 22:58
Anxiety is a c*nt, it follows no rules or pattern, its like an evil thing that gets inside you. I make no apology for using that word to describe anxiety.

Couldn't agree more and I hate that word!

25-04-12, 08:38
In my experience you can experience a sudden flash of panic/anxiety when you least expect it to happen taking you by surprise. Try not to worry about it, accept that it will happen from time to time and find a way to control the sensations that work for you.