View Full Version : Spot in anal canal

25-04-12, 10:52
Hi everyone,

If this is TBI than best to look away now.
I recently have noticed through self examination that I have a small hard spot in the anal canal and have been ruining my life again with health anxiety after googling and finding it could possibly be a symptom of anal/rectal cancer :-(
I'm writing this post at work as driving myself mad thinking about this 24/7. I have suffered with haemmoroids in the past and had blood in my stool about two weeks ago, can spots/haemmoroids be quite far down in the canal without being serious?
I had examinations last August/September along with blood tests and all came back clear but panicking I've now got something :-(
The spot isn't really painful and through self examination and annoyance I can admit I've tried to "pick it" :-(
Any advice/help/support would be greatly appreciated as I'm so upset right now :-( I'm a fit healthy 24 year old to the best of my knowledge

25-04-12, 11:03
First off, you are not a doctor,self examining is bad for us because we don't know what is meant to be there and what isn't lol. I have lumps and bumps that the doctor tells me everyone has but don't usually notice because they don't poke about.

It sounds just like a haemorrhoid to me, they can hang out of the anus, be far in or just in the canal and they can be all sizes as well. The most likely explanation would be haemorrhoids . I have them all the time, they aren't even painful anymore, they are just there.

Get some treatment for them (speak with your pharmacist first) and see how you feel in a week or twos time, then go back if it's still worrying you. In the mean time, do not touch them, you will just make it worse which will worry you.

You are 24, you have been checked, cancer is so extremely unlikely it's untrue. It's HA, leave your butt alone (hehe) because you will make yourself sore.

01-05-12, 15:31
Thanks for your reply, it really meant a lot. I'm still driving myself crazy with it, have tried to self examine again but really trying to take my mind off it being something as serious as rectal cancer, I've got no other symptoms at all apart from the one "spot" there but I've exhausted myself through the panic as usual and just like I can't get out of this dark place where once again I've convinced myself I've got something serious :-( It's ridiculous to be thinking like this at 24 :-( I've spent 3-4 years doing this to myself now and I'm still here, worrying about the same things. Really sorry to bring it up as a subject as know it's a bit of "too much information" sort of thing

01-05-12, 15:52
i agree with hypo dnt mess with it you will only make it worse. i had a swollen lymph node and constantly messed about with it making it so sore. every time i had the urge to prod i would do something else to distract my mind. and its fine now.
maybe just pop to see your gp will put your mind at ease.

01-05-12, 16:13
My GP is so tired of me going in I think now, which makes it even more embarassing since she's actually seen me and examined me on 2-3 separate occasions which should make it clear I don't have anything :-( Just don't know how to get myself out of this hole (bit of a silly pun there), want to feel brighter and enjoy life again. Hate the times where health anxiety gets out of control

01-05-12, 16:31
Aww ino how you feel I've been to my docs loads of times. But that's what they are there for if it puts your mind a little at ease I would go.
Its horrible feelin like this constant worry and anxiety its taking all my energy. I'm not to bad if I keep myself busy but the the negative thoughts still pop in. Its worse when I'm on my own. Just wish we could have a magic wond that would take it all away. This is all new to me I've only had HA for about a year but it feels like a lifetime :(

01-05-12, 16:39
I'm the same, it's worse when I'm alone and due to the job I do, the majority of it is spent sit down in silence (working in an office in a pricing department which is quiet) so get a bit too much time to think whilst doing my work :-( I shouldn't have examined myself and should remember I've had blood tests within the last 8-10 months but I think the problem with anxiety, specifically health anxiety is due to Dr Google and seeing your symptom there, you do instantly start believing it. I've spent 3 years doing it now :-( I just think the 3 years I've wasted doing it as well but can't pull myself out of the routine

01-05-12, 16:49
Doctor google is bad I use to do it try and find out what's wrong with me and if I have any major illness and according to google I do. My doctor told me to stay off google and only use it if I have been diagnosed buy a proffetional with something. I have diverticular so I can google that because I know I have it. But I'm recently undergoin test for right side under rib pain had my liver funtion bloods back all clear doc thinks its gallbladder. It has took all my strength not to google. I'm pertified about going for my ultrasound incase the find anything horrible I just cnt stop workin myself up.
I'm sure its nothing major maybe just a spot that will disappear over time. But do go to the docs if its makin your anxiety worse

01-05-12, 16:52
I think it will be too, like I say and understand deep down, I'm a healthy 24 year old, exercise regularly, cut down majorly on smoking...felt I was doing really well, then hit by yet another health anxiety type symptom which has thrown me completely off track :-( Just pray it goes away soon as don't want to feel as low as this and thinking the worst but we will both pull through...we both just have to realise it's anxiety and common health symptoms, not serious :-)

01-05-12, 17:12
Yes your right. I smoke too and am trying to cut down smoke more when I'm anxious tho so cnt win lol
I'm waiting to see a councillor had my first assessment and think she said I need a cbt not quiet sure what that stands for. So hopefully he\she will help me re train my way of thinking. I have 3 children and just want to be happy and get my life back on trackm like you said we will both get there. Hope you have a nice evening and not to stressed

02-05-12, 09:27
I'm still really stressed today, actually denying myself to ring the doctors as feel that will just be the short term thing for me again as I've had the examinations and blood tests 10 months ago so going to get some haemmoroid treatment, give it a couple of weeks and see how I feel then :) Had to take the day off work today as the anxiety has drained me so badly, going to just try and relax today and get myself back on track