View Full Version : So, so scared and feel so alone

25-04-12, 12:06
Hi All,

For the last week i have been getting shooting pains / aching / tingling in both my arms and my legs, it seems to be predominatly the left side of my body.

I have recently given up smoking (now on week three of cold turkey!) and i wonder if this could be anything to do with it?? Or is that ridiculous? Also, i am currently taking Doxycycline for anti-malaria so thought it might be that, but i started taking them over a month ago.

I also have been diagnosed with GERD... But im sure this isnt a factor.

I'm just really scared... I lost my mum to a heart attack 5 years ago (she was 48) and i just know it is going to happen to me too.

Last night was so scary as the pains were in my left shoulder and neck too.

I am currently in Vietnam and not back in the uk for 6 weeks so cant go to my GP.

If anyone has any ideas i'd be so grateful.... I just feel so alone and scared out here.

Im so petrified im about to have a heart attack or maybe have cancer.

25-04-12, 16:57
How are you feeling now? I would try not to worry unless it becomes unbearable, thats when you know you need a doc. Try some relaxation techniques. We all have random pains occasionally that no one has an answer for. If it continues then seek help but for now I would try to relax x

eight days a week
25-04-12, 21:53
Hey Heidi,

So sorry you feel like this, many of us have been there :hugs:

(I've also been to Vietnam which I loved, whereabouts are you?)

VERY well done on the smoking - brilliant! Smoking does destroy/inhibit nerves (I believe) so it's no surprise really that you have twitches and whatnot as your body repairs itself I reckon.

Malaria tablets can make you feel VERY weird for weeks and weeks - I had to give up on them (probably very stupid, but I just couldn't handle them). As you've got so far stick with them if you can but maybe google the side effects to reassure yourself that is probably all it is :)

I'm in the same boat worrying about my heart (the same history of family heart problems and similar symptoms), but seven years later I'm still here, and after getting it all checked out a couple of years ago I know I'm all fine for now (even though I still get the symptoms) :yesyes:

Longer term I did need CBT (accessed through my mental health team) to take a huge part of the worry away from my bodily feelings.

So I reckon you'll be absolutely fine - for sure until you get home (that's just my non-medical opinion), and probably for years and years to come (or, more probably, decades and decades!!) If you're in serious doubt though, do get yourself checked out while over there.

All the best, let us know how you get on, and please try to relax and enjoy your amazing holiday!!