View Full Version : Hello

25-04-12, 12:18
I used to suffer from anxiety since I was a child, but back then there was no support, and I somehow grew out of it. Many years later it came back, but much stronger, it affected my every day life.
With medication, counselling and No Panic I managed to overcome it.
Unfortunately it is currently back again in full force. So I am trying to get myself back out of it at the moment, but I am currently struggling to get the approach structured, and to take time for relaxation (with audio files etc.).
So I have decided to join this forum, as it is always a good start to know that you are not alone.

25-04-12, 12:22
Hi konrad

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-04-12, 12:26
Hello konrad,

I joined just over three weeks ago and have found everyone on this site to be really friendly and helpful, I'm sure you'll find the same too.

Feel free to ask questions and start new threads, there's plenty of shared experience here and therefore plenty of support to be had.


25-04-12, 14:37
Hi Konrad and :welcome:


26-04-12, 01:06
Thank you, guys.
I am looking forward to getting to know you and exchange experiences and some knowledge. I am sure we all have some tricks up our sleeves that might be of use to someone. As much as I hate being back with anxiety and panic attacks, I am now starting to look forward to the journey out of it.

26-04-12, 03:30
Hi Konrad!

It was great that you were able to beat it before. The same thing has happened to me. This is the second time in my life it has come back. In March I was a mess, but am already doing SO much better. You will get back to where you were! These boards are helpful to see others suffering from the exact same things. xx

26-04-12, 08:50
I'm sure you'll find the same too.

26-04-12, 08:54
Hi Conrad and welcome
Like you i got better, but now its back, i'm trying to deal with it without meds from the drs.