View Full Version : Sore Achy Legs :-(

25-04-12, 16:38
Hi there. I was wondering if any of you have had sore legs before from anxiety? I have had anxiety for about 4 years now with loads of symptoms. Been back and fourth to docs and loads of tests done which are all fine. I seem pretty stressed at the moment with uni and my last piece of major work having to be handed in soon but I can honestly say I have felt alot more anxious than this. Recently I have had these pains in my thighs and calves and nothing helps. I read a little bit about too much adrenaline. Can anyone understand? Help? Sooo sore :weep:

25-04-12, 18:12
Hi there,

I get this when I'm anxious but I didn't realise that this was the cause until recently. Sometimes it can be quite painful but it generally passes if I ignore it. I sleep with my feet elevated (a pillow under my feet) which seems to help.

Take care

Pip xx

25-04-12, 22:37
I always get this when Im about to come on or on my period...(obviously this is only relevant if you're female) but my anxiety often worsens dramatically at this time of the month xx

25-04-12, 22:59
i get this too. Sometimes my knees hurt so bad in the evening. But it only becomes apparent when i'm lying down at the end of the day. I think i tense everything, including my legs!

25-04-12, 23:29
thanks guys! mine hurt all the time, boooo! i will try the pillow thing. it is like a dull ache! (male here) they also hurt more when i think about them. it difficult to b active all day everyday to keeo my mind off them. last time it lasted weeks!! anything else u guys do to ease it? iv tried running, iv tried ibuprofen gel :-(

26-04-12, 16:43
I am female-- I get the same thing. Had blood tests all ok. My GP says I am a mystery. I do suffer with stress and anxiety all the time:mad:.
I have had back pain knee pain and all sorts, but my ankle pain is the worse, dull ache like you described and in the calf too. I am going back to see my Gp in the next few weeks if nothing alters.

07-05-12, 20:39
I get this as well. It is caused by the muscles tensing. When I have severe anxiety, all the muscles in my body tense and I have horrible pain all over my body. Magnesium citrate supplementation can help with this.

09-05-12, 11:10
Hi, I have had this as well, for the first time, and my legs (thighs and calves) were so sore that even to touch them was 'tender' and it affected my walking. It is getting better as my anxiety is lifting due to work pressure off as well as my panic attacks seem to be subsiding although it's early days. So hang in there, it will pass.