View Full Version : help...... advice needed

25-04-12, 16:40
dilemma,,, my father has gone into hospital after having yet another stroke, and has also been told he has Gangrene in his foot... trouble is I dont know anything about it and don't want to goggle it as HA will play up(i have been doing well recently)....

I also should go visit him but i really don't like hospitals as i panic about bugs and germs....

so now i feeling like a really horrid person......

what should i do???

25-04-12, 19:28
do what you feel is the right thing, just try and go, as Im sure it would cheer up your dad

26-04-12, 10:55
trouble is my farther has Altzimas and doesn't even know me.... but I will go just for my mother really.
thanks hun,.

26-04-12, 19:52
Take a bottle of hand cleanser and use it before you go into the hospital and again when you come out and don't shove your fingers in your mouth nose or eyes while you are in there and you will be safe from any bugs in the hospital.

Your mum will really appreciate you making the huge effort to go even if your dad does not know you.

29-04-12, 22:02
I went and it was OK, thanks for the help guys :)

my father didn't know who i was and thought I was his wife.... he had also forgotten about my children, little sad really.

01-05-12, 11:54
so glad you went, well done:hugs: