View Full Version : Off balance feeling

25-04-12, 17:31
Just won't go away! Keep getting short waves of it and it really nerves me :-(
Have had sinus issues and the dr did say that one of my eardrums is retracted. I just want to be free of this, have been doing so well.

25-04-12, 17:43
I always get the off balance feeling with anxiety, it's horrible. I had it for months but it gradually went when i was feeling a bit better.

25-04-12, 17:46
I know how you feel! I have had that feeling with ear infections, and sometimes it's my only symptom of an ear infection. It's really frustrating and scary. Did your doctor suggest any kind of treatment?

25-04-12, 19:31
Thanks for replies, suggested steam inhalations and holding nose and blowing. When I do this my ears pop. The thing that worries me is I had this before my ear ache.

25-04-12, 19:46
I don't think you should worry. I've had ear infections with no ear pain at all, just dizziness. I've known other people who had ear infections like that too. My doctor said sometimes they present like that.