View Full Version : Sleep Deprivation

25-04-12, 17:39

I have been on 20 mg Fluoxetine for 36 days now.
I am taking it for panic/ health anxiety
My sleep wasn't great with the anxiety before taking this medication.
I was getting around 5 to 6 hours tops.
Now though I am lucky if I get more than 3 hours and I am feeling exhausted.
Doctor has given me diazepam 2 mg which didn't help with the sleep.
Doctor has now given me Zopiclone 3.5 mg which again isn't doing the trick.
I seem to fall asleep ok but once I wake up that's it. My mind is racing. I am yawning constantly.
I am worried I will lose my job because i've already had quite some time off and I am trying to go back in. (Work have been very supportive)
I am afraid to drive as I feel my concentration is not there.
I am loathed to swap medications as I am hoping I will soon turn the corner with this.
Can anyone offer any encouragement, advice or reassurance that the sleep will settle soon?
It's killing me. I think my blood pressure is through the roof with having so little sleep.
I can see the forceful pulse in my stomach. It's driving me nuts.
Sorry for the long post.


25-04-12, 18:11
Hi Neil

I struggle with my sleep pattern and when I atarted on fluoxetine it got really bad my doc prescribed 3.5 zopiclone and they did the trick, perhaps they need increasing, I think 3.5 is the lowest dose, my boss takes 7.5mg, anyway I've stopped the fluoxetine now as I don't really like antidepressants has your doc mentioned Cbt at all they can be helpful


Jayne xx

25-04-12, 18:18
Hi Jayne,

Thanks for the reply.
I might try taking 1 and half of the zopiclone tonight and see if that helps.
I am doing CBT too.
I've had 2 NHS sessions so far. The therapist seems good. I go every fortnight.
I was paying privately before that and had about 7 or 8 sessions. The therapist was nice but I think she was new to CBT and more of a psychiattist background.
I hate taking meds too but I felt I wasn't able to cope on my own. So I was hoping being on Meds would help me with the CBT too.

Take care


25-04-12, 18:28
No probs, I was really bad from last oct to jan, and I'm slightly improving each day so I've done it on my own really, as I'm only on session 5 at Cbt she's nice who I'm seeing but don't know if it's doing much I think the strenth is in you to get better, I've got plenty notes on helping sleep which my Cbt lady has given me tonight, I'll see if I can scan them and email them to you.

I sure you'll get through this bad spell!


25-04-12, 18:44
Hi Neil - sorry you are having a rough time but stick with it. I was on Prozac 20mg and I remember the start up effects were like yours - that was 15 years ago - the anxiety was horrendous - no internet then - but just got on with it - so pleased I did - it was a miracle drug for me - all my strange thoughts, etc, disappeared and confidence grew! It stopped working in Oct but hey 15 years! Trying a new one tomorrow let's hope that will be as good.

It took a good 6 weeks to start feeling "normal" give it time - you are on the right track!


26-04-12, 07:59
Hi Jayne and Laura,

Thank you very much for your words of encouragement and support.

I hope I start feeling better soon.

What where you taking fluoxetine for Laura? Was it anxiety?

I know you have o help the medication work for you by getting on with things but it's so difficult when you are getting hardly no sleep.

Good luck with your new medication Laura.

Best wishes,


02-05-12, 08:09
This is driving me bonkers now.
I don't know if I should persist with fluoxetine as I am struggling to function with this insomnia.
I had about 3 hours Sunday night. Went to work Monday and felt rough.
The drive to and from work was horrible too as I have to drive over a very congested bridge to get to work and my concentration was just not there.
Monday night I got a better sleep. About 5 hours. I did take a 3.5 mg Zopiclone. Felt even more exhausted driving in to work and was quite anxious in work too. Then to boot the drive home was horrendous. Very heavy traffic and raining. I got very panicky and pulled over for a bit until it went a bit quieter.
Last night got about 2 to 3 hours sleep and I took a 2mg diazepam before bed. I've just told work I can't make it in today.
They have been very supportive and understanding so far but I am not sure how much longer this will last. It seems every time I try to go back I am failing. I am having to take a day off or more as holidays or part of a phased return. It sucks.
Today is day 43 on the medication so over 6 weeks.
I am just wondering if anyone can offer any advice as to whether I should persist with this or come off it and try something else. Which I really don't want to have to do.
I am starting to have doubts that this is going to work for me.



04-05-12, 05:07
Neil, are you taking the fluoxetine in the morning or at night?

04-05-12, 08:08
Hi Amiee,

Thanks for replying.
I take it in the morning. Are you on fluoxetine?
How are you getting on with it?


09-05-12, 08:27

Has anyone ever taken Nytol (not the herbal one) with Prozac/Fluoxetine?

I want to try it if possible.

The lack of sleep is driving me mad.

I've been on 20mg for 50 days now. Over 7 weeks. If I am still suffering sleep problems is this likely to improve after being on it for this long or would you think this medication just isn't for me?

I see my doctor on Monday. I think I may have to come off it which I was really hoping I wouldn't and I would settle down on this.

Any suggestions or points of view are most welcome.



09-05-12, 21:42
Hi Neil, I'm on day 60 something of Prozac, took 20mg for 4 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks and dropped down to the 20mg again 8 days ago because of side effects and not improving much. I was sleeping well before starting it but within a week of taking it my sleep has been poor, with early morning waking. I take Zopiclone a couple of times a week to get a good nights sleep - luckily it does work for me. I believe Nytol is good and it's OK to take with Prozac but not tried it myself.
I find the sleep problems add to my anxiety, as said I normally sleep really well, even if stressed, sleeping is my escape and I long for a decent night again. I've had problems with increased sweating, chest pain, lack of energy and increased anxiety since starting the Prozac hence the reduced dose - I'm not sure it's for me either. I'm sticking with it for another week and then changing to escitalopram if no improvement. I have read somewhere that if Prozac is going to work for you, you would normally notice some improvement within 2 weeks - all be it small improvements and up to 12 weeks for the full effect. Prozac is a stimulating anti depressent and not the best for anxiety but it's worked for me before - it's just not doing the trick this time.
7 weeks is a long time waiting for a drug to work - do you feel any different taking it, apart from the insomnia. Sleep is so important - I think we can cope with most things if we get a good nights rest. I would talk to your Dr again about it next week ? time for a change.
Love Sam

10-05-12, 09:22
Hi Sam,

Thanks very much for your reply.
I took a zop 3.25mg on Monday night and last night and slept better both nights.
Tuesday night I took nothing and was awake at about 1.30 am. Only getting around 2 hours sleep.
Tuesday in work I felt better and a bit more positive that the fluoxetine may work fine.
I am in work now. Feel a bit tired and a bit anxious. Like the churning feeling in my upper left stomach/ lower left chest. It makes me feel restless and fidgety.
I've just read the book "At Last A Life" which is similar to Claire Weekes' methods. Basically live with anxiety and don't fear the feelings or thoughts. Don't let it stop you doing anything you would if you never had anxiety.
I find this, like you alluded to a lot easier said than done when you've had poor sleep.
Like you Sam I think it may be time for a change as I can't go on with the poor sleep. I wonder if the Prozac may be the right med if I was getting decent sleep each night? That's what is hard to tell. I may even try without medication again. I'll see what the doc has to say.
I hope Prozac starts to work for you so you don't require the change to escitalopram.

Best Wishes


14-05-12, 16:12

Well I don't want to tempt fate too much but my sleep has improved greatly the last few nights.
I'll be 8 weeks taking 20mg Fluoxetine tomorrow.
Last Wed I took a 3.5mg Zopiclone and I slept ok.
Since then i've been taking a Nytol each night. (Just one of the type that directs you to take 2 a night) Ive slept much better.
I've also been listening to this CD on my IPOD as I go to sleep each night and i've been using foam earplugs too. (I can still hear the music fine but my partner tosses and turns a lot)
So it could be the CD, the Nytol or the fact that I am finally settling down on the Prozac. Who knows.
I saw my GP today and we both agreed that I stay on 20mg for another month and see her then. She also gave me some more Zopiclone in case I get desperate. Nice to have as back up but i'll stick to the Nytol for now I think.
The CD i've been using is Music to Promote Sleep by Sonicaid. I downloaded the MP3's from Amazon. I highly recommend it.

Best Wishes
