View Full Version : banging/whooshing sound in ear

25-04-12, 22:56
Evening all. Just wondering if anyone is getting this also and whether you can shed any light on it? For the past two weeks i've been getting this banging sensation in my left ear, not loud but like a whoosh (like when your tube open and closes) i don't think it's the sound of my pulse and it is very irregular. Seems to happen for no reason. I was trying to ignore it until tonight I experienced it, less so, in my right ear! Now i'm trying not to panic and put it down to 'one of those things' but I thought id just put it out there.....? Cheers all

sherylee xx
25-04-12, 23:44
i get the same hun apparently its tinnitis xx

26-04-12, 08:40
I get a sensation like a loud flutter in my ear or banging and I was told that its your ear drum twitching just like your eyelid can twitch. With me it only last for a very short time like a minute or so but I can get it over and over again. Rarely it will last for longer and I find that if I push the flap at my ear entrance into my ear and rub up and down this stops it!

It made sense to me that its my eardrum twitching as tht is exactly what if feels like, I described it as like something flapping its wings in there!

26-04-12, 10:46
You're exactly right countrygirl. I get exactly the same thing and i alsio deal with it the same way you do - squish my ear flap and wiggle my finger!!

26-04-12, 15:49
Been getting the same thing...only mine sounds like a quick wind tunnel...anybody get this?

26-04-12, 19:48
Same thing - once you had said it I thought yep thats also what it sounds and feels like.

26-04-12, 21:44
Not sure what age range all those posting are, but the 'whoosing' noise in the ears in a known symptom of perimenopause. I am coming up to 50 and experience it from time to time.