View Full Version : Relapse and new doctor

25-04-12, 23:09
I have moved house recently and just relapsed, im upping my meds and going to as new doctors surgery tomorrow. I am going to ask at reception who is the best doctor to deal with mental health issues, anyone think that is silly.

I am also considering the book CBT for dummies, anyone had it ?

25-04-12, 23:25
No, I think it's a really good idea to check which doctor is best for mental health issues. As for the book, I personally haven't read it but I am currently having CBT and I am finding it a somewhat positive experience so far. Anything that helps even a little is worth considering!!

Good luck, Kitti :)

25-04-12, 23:40
Cheers Kitty, think my mind is made up to buy the book, not looking forward to getting a new doctor though, my last was brilliant.

26-04-12, 00:01
Oh no, I agree. my doctor is brilliant and I don't know how I would cope without him...he has been so supportive in times of distress and sees me on a regular basis just to monitor my progress. You never know you may get lucky....stay positive!!

Good luck with the book, I hope it gives you some useful coping stratergies :) Kitti

26-04-12, 04:58
Not silly,Infact why didnt i think of that? :P.On my doctors website on each doctors profile it has there special interests etc.Does this surgery have a website as it may say on there.CBT is alot better if your seeing someone,and there teaching it to you instead of reading it yourself though.I always had loads of questions while doing CBT :P

26-04-12, 08:41
I think its a good idea that you do that CBT for dummies. I really hope it helps you. CBT is so beneficial when you work on it. Get the best treatment you can I say. I always make sure im with the same doctor at every visit.

26-04-12, 08:54
I personally haven't read it but I am currently having CBT and I am finding it a somewhat positive experience so far.

26-04-12, 09:03

I borrowed that book from my brother - he swears by it but tbh I find it a bit complicated - lol! He loaned me a Paul Mckenna one too!

Good luck! re the doctor - think that is a good idea - none of my GPs in my surgery specialise in mental health! Probably why I haven't got sorted and paying to see a psychiatrist! and it is a big practice with lots of doctors!

little wren
26-04-12, 10:57

Drs. have their speciality (areas where they are better informed and more likely to be up with current research). Good idea to start with the one specialising in mental health if available. x

little wren x