View Full Version : I need some help..

25-04-12, 23:27
Hi, I hope someone can help me. I'm really struggling at the moment with depression. I'm 43 and I've mostly been ok over the years, but now my past has caught up with me. I had a terrible childhood where I was beaten and psychologically abused for many years. It's recently all come back to me and I'm finding everything so difficult at the moment. All I do is cry. I feel so alone

25-04-12, 23:28
Hi Karryn

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-04-12, 23:32
Thank-you.. I've never felt like this before, I didn't know what to do

26-04-12, 11:58
I am really sorry to hear about your struggle and can empathise with you.
I have not been in your sittuation, but, had a very complicated childhood.
This website is a great help to me, as I do not socialise very often, so join in the discussions and threads.

Take care:yesyes:

26-04-12, 12:58
have you been to the doctors ,have u spoken about what happened as a child ,you could be suffering from POST TRUMATIC STRESS SYNDROME..i say this as i was physically and mentally abused by my husband for years ,then i had a breakdown ,the doctor said it was, ptss,your brain locks bad things away ,there they stay dormant ,till one day for some reason it floods your mind ,hence we become anxious and depressed for no reason wee think ,but there is a reason.might be a good idea to have a chat with your gp ,x

26-04-12, 14:36
I am really sorry to hear about your struggle and can empathise with you.
I have not been in your sittuation, but, had a very complicated childhood.
This website is a great help to me, as I do not socialise very often, so join in the discussions and threads.

Take care:yesyes:Thank-you, I really hope I can get some help here, I feel so out of my depth at the moment. I've read the symptoms of depression and anxiety and I have so many of them it's scary

---------- Post added at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------

have you been to the doctors ,have u spoken about what happened as a child ,you could be suffering from POST TRUMATIC STRESS SYNDROME..i say this as i was physically and mentally abused by my husband for years ,then i had a breakdown ,the doctor said it was, ptss,your brain locks bad things away ,there they stay dormant ,till one day for some reason it floods your mind ,hence we become anxious and depressed for no reason wee think ,but there is a reason.might be a good idea to have a chat with your gp ,x
I have an absolute fear of doctors.My dad made me terrified of them. I haven't seen one for many years,it's a huge issue with me.. I can't even think of seeing one... I've always coped alone, but I'm not ok at the moment. I can't concentrate on anything, I'm so tired - night time is the hardest..I have so many things going round in my mind

27-04-12, 20:18
Hi Karryn,

I'm so sorry you are struggling so bad, and just know it's going to get better. You've already taken the first step, and that is reaching out. It will all be okay....

I was terrified of going to the doctor too. Just the mere thought of leaving the house to go was enough to send me into another panic attack. What really helped me was reaching out to a friend whom I knew suffered from the same thing I did, and she was a tremendous help. Do you know anyone else suffering from depression or anxiety? They may be able to refer you to someone who will help. Even though you feel so alone at the moment, don't be afraid to reach out! -Dani

28-04-12, 06:35
Hi Dani, no I don't know anyone with depression at all. And no-one knows I'm going through all this. There is hardly any people in my life,I'm very much a loner because of my past. I never expected to be feeling like this. Its just hit me out of the blue. The thought of going to see someone about it, or anything else, is really scaring me