View Full Version : So scared. again. BCancer??

26-04-12, 00:03

First time poster - long time lurker. Last week i thought i had a brain tumor, the week before that I thought my daughter had leukemia, today i think i have symptoms of b cancer. Please don't let my prior anxieties effect what may be the symptoms..you know sometimes admitting you have had prior anxieties can take away the seriousness of the problem. Have i got health anxiety or is something really wrong?!?!?

I have loose bowel movements, for a while - (three months?) its unusual to have a normal bowel movement. The other day i passed a large stool (could be the tramadol - it was left over from husbands absess - so i take one if i have bad period pain.) I have had stinging in my bum which i know is piles. I went to the doctor look last year and she drained the pile - wow - so much information!) I didn't let on that i thought it was anything else and therefore she didn't check.) My poo is normal color. Loose but ok in size = not ribbon like. I haven't lost any weight. I had a blood test last year and it was ok.. and yet i feel like i never quite finish a bowel movement. I know this could be piles but I am freaking out here. I met my biological father last year and he said that his brother (my uncle) and his sister had cancer - he didn't know what! His brother is all mended but his sister not so. Oh god. Going to the doctor fills me with fear. If i mention loose stools and lack of emptying i *know* they will send me for colonscopy and that fills me with a deep and black chasm of fear. SO so scared. I am 38.

26-04-12, 00:10
My love... I went to the doctor today for the exact same thibg... Fears of breast cancer and bot feeling finishwd when ive been to the loo.. I also get pain up.my bum and have been told i have small piles. Chill out really you.are fine... Our brains do.this.to us on purpose.. My aunty is.currwntly.fight bc and it scares me terribley xxx

---------- Post added at 00:10 ---------- Previous post was at 00:08 ----------

Excuse my spelling... Am typing quickly on my mobile :-)

26-04-12, 01:04
And yet I go for a walk and it clears my head. Then i come back inside and feel like breaking down.

---------- Post added at 12:04 ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 ----------

Also I didn't realize it was one of the most common cancers in women?