View Full Version : Headache!

26-04-12, 06:36
Hello! Basically I started off on 20mg of this a month ago but I couldn't deal with the side affects so went down to 10mg and was better last Friday I decided to go back to 20mg so I upped it, I've now had a constant headache for 5 days now and barely any sleep. Is this just a side affect will it go or is it cause the tablet isn't right for me?

26-04-12, 11:48
I took these tablets for about 7 years before and they had my anxiety more of less under control. I could handle almost any problem, obviously my anxiety did not go away though, but, it was the most relaxed I had felt for a long time.
Just started taking them again 4 days ago, my headache has gone, but, having serious anxiety during the night and not sleeping.
Can't remember from last time, but, apparently it takes a couple of weeks for side effects to settle down.
I am sticking it out, it's worth it in the end.

kind regards,

26-04-12, 12:14
It could be either Sian, all you can do really is carry on and see if this passes. I'm sure it will, but maybe needs another few weeks to know for certain.

26-04-12, 20:25
The doctor has put me straight on to 20mg Citalapram and I am going through Mirtazapine 45mg withdrawal, as there was no tapering off.
Panic all day and night.
I just keep reminding myself that when I took Citalapram before, I was a very chilled out person, obviously the anxiety never went away completly.
Send me a private message if you need to talk more.

29-04-12, 08:34
Thank you all for your replies! My headaches are dying down a little now! Feeling much better, a lot less anxious too!