View Full Version : Help with Citropram

26-04-12, 08:38
Hi I'm new to this forum. I have just been diagnosed with anxiety a d started taking Citropram on Saturday so I have had 5 tablets now the first few days I felt rotten dizzy,sick,headache,panicky but I stuck with it as dr said it would get bad before it got better. Well yesterday morning I woke shaking in a right panic stayed in bed for a few hours till I felt calmer got up and through out the day started to feel really good by bed time I almost felt myself again until 11.30 last night when I woke as if something had startled me I struggled to get back to sleep and this seemed to happen every half hour all night.so hence this morning I'm shaking again and feel dreadful when will I feel myself again...

26-04-12, 08:41
Hi Annmarq

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-04-12, 09:58
Cit is prone to side effects such as these, they're nothing abnormal and the effects should settle down within a week or two. It normally takes a month to six weeks for their full (happy) effects to settle in.

When are taking your pills and at what dosage? You might find it better to take them later in the day.

one of us

26-04-12, 10:01
Hi thanks for that I'm on 20mg tabs and I have been taking them about 8pm I

26-04-12, 11:24
This is what often happens when you first start taking the tablets. When I took Cipralex (similar) I was like this for some time, and just ended up staying in bed until it improved. But when I got better and the tablets kicked in, it seemed to happen really suddenly. I think I just knew one day they had worked, and I felt pretty much like my usual self again. Hope you start to see the positive effects soon! But what you're describing is normal in the early stages of treatment.

26-04-12, 11:25
I have just started back on Citalapram after a 3 year break. I took them for about 7 years originally and they were a god send.
Day 4.
I am having similar symptoms to yourself, waking after 3 hours sleep, mind racing, vivid pictures, and heightened anxiety.
I will stick it out as I know my life will be bearable in a few weeks when side effects have stopped.

kind regards:yesyes:

26-04-12, 14:00
Thank you for that it is encouraging to know these side effects will go I just hope they are not here too much longer. I just want to feel better.

26-04-12, 14:07
I've just started again on cit after going off cold turkey, Dont do that whatever you do, just ride it out it's not nice but there is an end to it, also my Dr said to take them before bed as they're supposed to make you drowsey, idont notice it myself and need sleeping pills as well, but they say to not take them too early in the day :)

26-04-12, 14:27
Thanks I have been taking them at about 8-8.30 and have found in ready to sleep by about 9.30 I go straight off with out any problems but after about 4 hours wake and struggle to get back to sleep. I hope this will pass

26-04-12, 20:31
Thanks I have been taking them at about 8-8.30 and have found in ready to sleep by about 9.30 I go straight off with out any problems but after about 4 hours wake and struggle to get back to sleep. I hope this will pass

Send me a PM if you want to chat

30-04-12, 16:20
Well 9 days in now and I started to feel good the past 2 days today was a bit wobbly tho but it was the first time I'd driven and done school run for a week went to collect from school and had that anxious feeling again is this normal to feel good the seem to go backwards its 4pm and I feel ready for bed.