View Full Version : Firewall

26-04-12, 09:33
I've had my first ever CBT assessment and am now waiting on the first "real" session. In the meantime, I am to fill-in a sort of diary about my thoughts, emotions, etc. this is quite standard, I'd guess.

However, I find that if I write in the diary, it makes me think even more about the issues that causing me anxiety. These issues tend to be real but very minor problems that I blow-up into disasters.

I have found that if I just block-out these thoughts (behind a firewall) I feel much calmer. As they are one-off crazy things not deep emotional issues, I don't feel that I'm storing-up problems for the future. Am I deluding myself?

I often say that I want to feel happy. What I really want is to feel strong, inside. The firewall seems to help to achieve this, I get little snippets of strength.