View Full Version : THE CURE

26-04-12, 11:55
where is the cure?

The location of the cure is outside in the wider world, it is within the film you become engrossed in; it is in the pages of the novel that excites you; it’s at the sports game you take your family to; in the restaurant you take your wife to.

If you constantly search for the cure it will always elude you. If you search for something else it will come to you.
Fears stay with us as long as we succumb to our compulsion rituals.

Compulsion is not just continuously washing your hands or disinfecting doorknobs. It is reading about anxiety, it’s asking for help, it’s searching for the cure. In a nutshell, anything that we continuously do to provide temporal anxiety relief is a compulsion.

We are compelled to solve the issue because we think there is a problem, we perform ritual after ritual, we succumb to compulsion after compulsion in an attempt to alleviate the condition. Although these actions have the effect of providing temporal relief they are in essence the major artifacts that are responsible for holding back recovery.

To aid your memory and simplify this little solution then we must remember to board the Arc (see below). The chronic over use of the Fight/Flight response cannot exist without us spoon feeding it hour by hour, day after day. The removal of these rituals has the effect of starving the Fight/Flight response until it slowly emaciates. I.e. If we eliminate the rituals from the anxiety condition then we achieve the removal of the disorder.

‘ANXIETY’ minus ‘RITUALS’ equals 'CURE'


26-04-12, 13:05
Is this your own words or copied Murphy's?

If it is not yours then we need to be careful of copyright etc

26-04-12, 14:38
Found this...
...owned by a Christopher Barry. Let's hope the OP is Chris from Wales as it is useful information.

26-04-12, 18:00
It's a fantastic read! I loved it and I think it really helps! x

26-04-12, 18:57
Great advice and so true, thinking about the problem creates the problem I've learnt this and feeling much better it's hard to get out of the viscous cycle of thought but once you break out its the first part of the road to recovery. Thanks for the good post.

26-04-12, 19:13
It does seem to be copyrighted....

www.nothingworks.weebly.com Copyright © 2011 Christopher Barry All rights reserved

27-04-12, 17:14
I'm the author, and I don't mind you posting this. Glad it has helped.

Kind Regards

... Chris

27-04-12, 18:34
Thanks Chris - I didn't want to get in trouble by members pasting copyrighted material on here.

little wren
30-04-12, 09:56
Agree that by breaking the cycle either via the thoughts or the rituals is the way forward. I believe it is like building new pathways in the brain. When we do not perform the ritual we 'choose' a different pathway and we strengthen that brain pathway each time we do not give in to the ritual. Like you say the ritual will weaken.