View Full Version : How do i help a friend?

05-07-06, 17:52

I have a friend who I think is suffering from some form of social anxiety. He has stopped seeing his friends (unless we go round to see him) and apart from my visits hasnt socialsed or mixed with his other friends for over a year now. I have questioned him about it once but he dismissed the questions.

I was wondering what the best way is to approach this. how do i get him help, when he wont admit he has a problem? He still works at the moment and I would hate it to get to a stage where he finds even work a struggle.

Any advice whould be greatly appreciated.

06-07-06, 10:47

Its nice your friend has someone caring looking out for him. He is probably finding it hard to talk about as it is almost embarrassing to admit you are feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps you should mention the website, or maybe say you were reading an article about anxiety, and try to get a conversation going.

Other than lots of encouragement, and no pressure, just him knowing you are there will help him.

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

Sue K with 5
20-07-06, 17:31
He is extremly lucky to have a friend who has taken the time to find out about not just this site but the issues he may have

I think tracy outlined quite clearly what you can do and may I say what a wonderful person you are to care as you do

Sue with 5


20-07-06, 18:13
Perhaps you could print off some information about it for him?

x x

21-07-06, 10:17

It is good he has a friend like yourself don’t give up on him, you need to look at how you are socialising is it going to the pub, places with a large amount of people as this can be intimidating to someone with panic attacks/agoraphobia. It may be an idea to try small outings even if it is just going to the local shops etc. Then try stepping up each time it is all about building his confidence up again.

We all know that us guys don’t like talking to much about it me personally it doesn’t bother me better out than in but I respect not everyone is like that so you need to try encourage talking about even talk about what you have found out. It might also be an idea to try find a local support group and get some info posted to him as he is likely to read it.

Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
