View Full Version : Tired/Fatigue after panic?

26-04-12, 15:22
Does anyone else get this? I had a job interview yesterday, the guy kept me waiting 45 mins in reception, I was really worked up, heart racing, blushing and just wanting to run out, then when I got to him he asked really awkward questions, but I got through it but have felt really fatigued and tired ever since, I got the job and start on Monday but don't know how i'll get through that.:blush:

26-04-12, 21:15
Eugh yes, panic attacks are absolutely exhausting. Each time we experience anxiety it's like a huge trauma, and something that other people don't understand unless they suffer from it. It's normal to be worn out afterwards. Great that you got the job though :D

28-04-12, 05:04
Congrats on the job! At least you made it through the meeting and got it. I haven't taken that step yet. And yes, that's normally how I feel after a panic attack.

eternally optimistic
28-04-12, 08:57
Hey, firstly, you DID IT, WELL DONE, hope you are chuffed at that.

Interviews can be far worse that actually doing the job so, I reckon, you are going to be just fine.

I get that drained feeling after a "tense" situation.

I know you might be worrying about the same stage of starting the job, but really you should be REALLY PLEASED AND PROUD of yourself for having got this far.

Good luck for Monday.

28-04-12, 09:24
Hey, firstly, you DID IT, WELL DONE, hope you are chuffed at that.

Interviews can be far worse that actually doing the job so, I reckon, you are going to be just fine.

I get that drained feeling after a "tense" situation.

I know you might be worrying about the same stage of starting the job, but really you should be REALLY PLEASED AND PROUD of yourself for having got this far.

Good luck for Monday.

Yes I am really worried about Monday, tomorrow I will be a nervous wreck, Its just the walking in and everyone looking at me, and knowing no one that's worrying me.

28-04-12, 14:10
panic drains you i used to be the same i would have the best sleep ever its the adralain in ur body,

congratations on ur job,