View Full Version : This was a panic attack right also burping afterwards

26-04-12, 15:42
Hi my panic attacks are very much under control (well as much as they can be). Just seem to have a battle with a on/off sinus infection. (third time this year.

Today I walked down to pick my little girl up from school fine but while waitting i got a heaviness/heat sensation on my chest startted to feel abit crap but put it to the back of my mind.

But on the way home only a 10 mins walk I startted to feel like i was about to pass-out/faint 3 times was feel really bad i could hardly talk it was coming out sounding like a mouse, my doctor has out me asthma meds so thought it could be a asthma attack so when i got home i took some puffs on my inhaler (no use).

My sensation of on the chest and pass-out feeling continued for about 40mins on/off so phoned my doctor for advice (she was out so phoned me a few hours later), I started to feel better but had a real bad case of the burps.

Anyway my doctor phone me and i explained what had happened and she told me that it was a panic attack and the feeling of passing out was my body telling me that i had been hyperventilating and taking on board to much carbon dioxide and that BURPING after a panic attack is the carbon dioxide escaping.

Does that sound right to anyone also she now thinks because my asthma inhaler did not work for me i could have a hay fever allergy like thing going on.

But my "panic attack" came from no were.

26-04-12, 16:41
yeah sounds like a panic attack i hyperventilate and end up burping a lot coz of it, nothing to orry about tho hope your ok :)

26-04-12, 17:46
yeah sounds like a panic attack i hyperventilate and end up burping a lot coz of it, nothing to orry about tho hope your ok :)

Feeling alot better now thanks and thank you for your post.

When i have been on my google trips you type in belching and chest heaviness you end up with heart failure and that scares the life out of you.

But when someone replies to a post like you did it put a different spin on things:) (a positive) Just wish like everyone else that we all could rid ourselfs of panic attacks

Thanks again

26-04-12, 18:05
we tend to swallow air when we are anxious, this is what makes you burp.

26-04-12, 18:11
Thanks PanchoGoz.

Just a case of me trying to remember to breath properly, I think i was getting myself more in a panic with it because i had my daughter with me and she is nearly 3 and was not on her child rein just holding my hand and i was worried about if i passed out and she went on the road or something like that.

Thanks Chris

26-04-12, 20:38
This happens to me all the time! In general I burp alot and have been having alot of problems related to burping and anxiety among other things! (see my post about acid reflux in the health anxiety forum)

Anyways, I think its nothing to worry about what you are experiencing. I think it could be indigestion brought on by anxiety or just general indigestion. You described "heat" in your chest, could this of been a bit of heartburn? Heartburn and such things CAN aggravate asthma and prior to having an episode of burping you can feel very uneasy and sick! I do alot and it makes me so anxious!!