View Full Version : Please help. Blood in throat.

26-04-12, 20:50

I haven't been on here for ages and I now find myself back and full of anxiety over my latest health fear.

On Sunday night I went to bathroom (sorry to be gross) felt the need to 'suck' some phlegm from my throat. I have had what I think is post nasal drip for years. The phlegm had blood in it. It wasn't a lot, but it worried me. Anyway I went to bed and the next morning did the same thing from the back of my throat and found blood again. I got very scared and went to doctors. He checked me over and said he wasn't concerned and that it was probably just where I had had tonsillitis a couple of weeks previously and that it had made my throat sensitive. Not sure I believe that, my throat was very bad for 2 weeks, but that was a while ago. Since then I have become obsessed with checking for blood.

On Tuesday i googled blood etc and am now convinced I have lung cancer. I didn't cough the blood up, it came from throat, but after reading what I read I forced myself to cough to check (I don't have a cough) and there was bright red blood twice. I nearly fainted. Since then I went back to another doc who knows me well and he said he wasn't at all worried and that he thought I should stop checking all the time. He said I should go back in a couple of weeks if I am still having it then. Well that then scared me witless and all I keep doing is checking. I am still getting faint blood from throat, but don't know if it's coming from throat or lungs. please can anyone help. I don't know whether to keep checking in case I miss something or to stop.

Thanks for reading

Sarah x

I did cough up blood over a year ago and panicked. I was given a chest X-ray, which was clear. However that was a long time ago so I know anything could have happened since.

I am so stuck and so scared. All I can think is cancer. Apart from this I am fine, no cough, non smoker and 43. But I know lung cancer can still happen with non smokers too.

26-04-12, 23:02
Hi Sarah

If you have post nasal drip the blood could be coming from the back of your nose. If you have seen two gps and they have no concerns, I would take great comfort from that.

My lungs cause me great concern so I know where you are coming from.

I would try and stop looking for a few days and give your throat a rest. If you are still concerned go back to your gp and ask for an xray.

Take care

Trish x

27-04-12, 11:53
Nothing to worry about, I've been doing that for about 20 years on and off and I'm still here....!

The throat/mouth is very sensitive and can naturally secrete blood, it can even come from the gums, tonsils, most places really..it's a natural thing and should only be checked out if it's persistent..

I've gone through the worry game with this one many years ago.

If you Google things, you'll always find the worse case scenarion - try Googling "big toe, cancer"....yes you'll find it !

27-04-12, 17:48
Thankyou both for taking the time to reply to me. I am still struggling with the fear of this one. My doc told me to stop checking and that if I had a real problem with blood I'd know about it without having to go looking for it.
Trouble is that although I am scared about checking I am also scared that I may miss something if I don't check. I know that if I hadn't kept checking my throat and making myself cough I wouldn't know it was still there.

Sarah x

28-08-13, 19:54
Can the blood still be caused by post nasal drip if the person has never had a nose bleed and doesn't even see blood when they blow their nose?