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27-04-12, 09:23
Does anyone have any handy hints for coping with kids and anxiety at the same time?

I find that if I'm on my own I can cope with anxiety using a variety of distractions and methods but when I'm out with my kids I feel so much more anxious. They are both boys aged 5 and 3. They quite often bicker when they are together; the 5 year old deliberately irritates the 3 year old. Also they never shut up!

I have a doctors appointment later today and am looking after the 3 year old so I was really anxious about having to take him along. Luckily my mum is about so I can leave him with her which has made me considerably less anxious.

I feel like a terrible parent...

27-04-12, 09:58
James you are not along on this one, i have a four year old and sometimes feel like i can't cope, I love him so much, but sometimes with my anxiety i don't have the patience and i feel likt i'm always shouting at him. Do you sit and read with them or paint, i find that helps. You are not a bad parent and i'm sure your boys know you love them.

27-04-12, 16:46
i agree with honeyb your not a bad parent your children are loved and well looked after thats all that matters, i have 2 boys 9 and 4 always fightin arguein whinin sometimes if my anxietys bad i get snappy feel like i cant cope so i take myself upstairs on my own and wait for it to pass then come back down also i like having someone with me if im out with them, anxiety and being a parent is hard but im sure your doing a good job.

27-04-12, 19:14
Thanks you guys. I managed to take the little one swimming on my own this afternoon. It took 4mg of diazepam but a good time was had by both of us. My agoraphobia has only recently flared up as bad as it is now so hopefully I can shift it soon.

29-04-12, 16:07
I can really relate to what you said in your post. I have 3 children and my anxiety is much worse when i am in sole charge of them as I feel asthough there would be no one to look after them if I freak out/faint/collapse/get vertigo...(my main fears.)

I feel much much better at wknds when my husband is at home. It's so hard and yet if we do get out I usually feel a bit better. x:hugs: