View Full Version : cholinergic uticaria?

27-04-12, 13:27
AKA Hives from when your body temp heats up, like after exercise, going out in the sun, or when experiencing emotional stress.

It seems that I have developed this after having a viral rash. Is this a normal development of the rash going away over time? The rash will be completely gone but show its face again just on my arms or maybe legs at those times.

I googled and scared myself because everybody said it could be lupus, celiac disease, etc. I have been having a bad tummy the past couple days.

I did have a blood test done for "rheumatic factors" and cbc, and was told I had a virus a couple weeks ago. I have to believe that they would tell me if there was something fishy. I really have to. 3 docs said I had a virus at that time, so I really don't want to go back and keep feeding into this.

I shouldn't have googled. I knew better. I just wanted that reassurance that I of course did not find.

---------- Post added at 08:27 ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 ----------

Also if anybody else has experienced this ... I already take a regular dose of zyrtec (citirizine?) daily for indoor and seasonal allergies ... I am allergic to my cat, dust, mold, and all the stuff blooming right now. How can I get hives if I am on an antihistamine? Maybe that's just keeping them from getting worse?

27-04-12, 13:48
I suffer from Chronic Urticaria. When i first got it, it scared the living daylights out of me but it's easily treated with anti histamines.

Heat and tight clothing can flare it up.

See your GP about some medicating to get it under control.


27-04-12, 14:01
Oh thank you so much! It feels so good to know it is not just me! I really feel like I am going crazy at times. It's just so random, I've been diagnosed with so many allergies I never knew I had this year and now this, it's like what the heck is next, ya know? I am scared I am becoming like super-allergic, haha. Writing it out I know how nuts I sound, but it's been so odd.

Does this just happen? How did yours start?

27-04-12, 14:39
The docs have no idea how mine started. I just got up one day and my body looked like someone had poured boiling water all over it and the itch would drive you insane.

I'm on a comination of medication for when mine flares up but i can go for months without any at all.

Yours may just disapear if it's a viral rash so your gp could prescribe you some antihistamines to tide you over.

Try to keep your skin cool, don't wear tight clothes and best of all, try not to worry about it as stress can flare it up too.


You'll be just fine hun


27-04-12, 14:55
I'm sorry you have dealt with this too!! It's so odd, and quite embarrassing. At work if I stress out it's like it's written all over my body, and then people start asking me what's wrong.

I know how to hide anxiety/stress well, but not when my body won't let me!!

I wonder if there is something genetic to it ... I guess as long as I can remember I would be red for a bit after showering, but I always just assumed that happened to everybody. I am quite pale, so figured it was just sensitive skin. My sister always gets blotchy when she is stressed, never thought anything of it. Allergies in general run in my family too ... I wonder if maybe I had a tendency and then this virus just kicked it in the butt and made it worse.

It definitely is not as bad as it has been, but I am so happy you responded, as you have made me much less terrified that I have lymphoma or lupus or something else awful. Thank you :)

27-04-12, 15:01
Awwww no it won't be anything like that at all.

Give me a shout any time if you get worried.



02-05-12, 15:23
Hi Lisa, I was just wondering if you ever worried about anaphylactic shock with this? It really isn't awful, just flares with emotions (especially when giving presentations which is great ...) and body temperature/heat ... I am going to the doctor on Monday, and will ask him then, but I am scared that my throat will swell shut or something. I don't have an epipen. I've been taking zyrtec, but it doesn't take care of everything.

Did you ever have that fear? Is that a risk??

Thanks again


---------- Post added at 10:23 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

Also worried I have carcinoid syndrome due to a tumor .... my mom had one of those tumors and died five weeks later ... not many symptoms, that's why it goes undiagnosed but flushing can be one of them ... so scared of this appointment!

03-05-12, 12:33
So I have been quite nervous ... doctor couldn't get me in until Monday, which I am a little peeved about, but that's ok... I requested my blood work be faxed over to them from the urgent care that took it ... tried talking to my fiance last night about how scared I am that it isn't just urticaria but flushing due to an adrenal tumor, thyroid tumor, carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor, lupus, etc. After going through my mom dying from neuroendocrine/carcinoid, I just cannot stop fixating on it ...

I am doing the right thing by going to the docs, but I am really scared.

04-07-12, 22:25
hiya just tht id tell you that i too have cholinergic uticaria and have had it for about ayear now ive had loads of tests done and they all came back as normal apart from low ferritin and low folate i get it on my scalp neck and chest wich seems to be there all the time and i get random burning itchy patches every where else and every day without fail it drives me nuts sometimes but try to stay calm now where as when i first developed it id worry every night for quite a while about having severe allergic reaction and would shake for ages just waiting for something to happen but thankfully it never i also have dermographism (skin writing) wich is a physical uticartica and when i scratch i have red swollen lines come up... i think mine is caused from stress now and nothing serious i hope lol any time you wanna chat feel free to pm me :)