View Full Version : Never enough

27-04-12, 16:27
Hi I'm new to the site but not to health anxiety!!!!

I thought I was getting thing under control but managed last week To go for a private mammogram and get a letter saying all is fine. But went to doctors yesterday for my tablets. I had not seen him before and before I could say anything he was reading the radialogist report. I kept asking him to repeat things so he printed off for me. I went on to google all the words I did not like the look of. The report was so detailed and every word sent me around about 20 sites. I am so angry with myself as now I cannot erase the info and what I have conjured up with the info? I feel pretty desperate

27-04-12, 16:43
So you went to the radiologist, and they said it was ok. The Dr read it... and I am presuming they didn't seem concerned? So you shouldn't be stressed. Two professionals saw it... you are putting Google and self diagnosis ahead of them.. put it away and forget about it!

27-04-12, 17:21
Thankyou for your reply. This I where HA and OCD get tangled up - it is the obsessional need to ruminate and not let things go. I would love to let it go and actually interact with kids and husband instead of sitting in this self absorbed state.

28-04-12, 17:21
Aww i did the same(well simular)
recently during my pregnancy i had to have very regular blood tests,like twice a week sometimes more for a pregnancy condition ,i would get the midwife to print me a copy of the blood analysis and even though docs had passed it as ok,id compare all the tests and if a digit changed id start imagining why and driving myself insane ,i was worried to take prenatal vitamins incase they hid signs of illness in my blood tests so darn stupid!
Im just saying this to let you know your not alone in this situation ,i know its no help to you at all thoughxx
hope you can relax soonxxxx

28-04-12, 17:51
I never learn!!

I have just dug out a workbook I was given for cbt 7 years ago about mindfulness. So sad Reading my notes as they could have been written today. same bc ruminations, same references to breast consultants who are in my mind today. What a waste!!!! Same missed holidays, dreaded Christmases etc, etc.
Would love to hear what has worked for others as really wan't to do my best to not have another 7 years like this

29-04-12, 20:59
Well I have just cancelled an appontment I made for Tommorrow whereby i would pay 200 pounds for a consultant to go over my all clear mammogram results again. I feel quite happy - just hope I do not phone them back in the morning to re book!!!!!