View Full Version : Books which help

05-07-06, 19:50
Can anyone recommend any books on curing anxiety, I did a search on amazon and theres a few, and have they worked?

05-07-06, 20:00
Hi Dave
I'm reading The Anxiety Cure by Dr. Archibald D. Hart right now. I personally believe that the more info that I have from a bunch of different sources is better than trying to find one that will 'cure' me.
It's a pretty good book with a Christian based approach.

05-07-06, 21:00
Reading a book written by Claire Weekes has helped me so much recently i cant tell you!
She has given me hope and made me see that this anxiety can be beaten and you can recover!

Take care xx

06-07-06, 07:06
Hi Davey
The Claire Weekes books really helped me too - self help for your nerves and essential help for your nerves.
love Helen

06-07-06, 07:41
hi Dave, I've got Claire Weeks book, Self Help for Your Nerves and it helped me

Take care

'This too will pass'

06-07-06, 10:38
I read 'Feel the Fear ...... and do it anyway!" It's not solely about panic; more about fear and how we let it control our lives without even realising how frightened of life we have become. The author is Susan Jeffers and it's available on Amazon. Some of it's a bit 'Pollyanna' but there are some helpful sections.

All the best

Will Loynes
06-07-06, 19:25
Hi Dave,
I have been looking into books for a long time now and have found Claire Weekes to be as good as any that i've read, I bought a copy of her book 'Self-Help for Your Nerves' for £3.00 off Amazon.

If you discover any more usefull books, please keep us all informed.

Be happy


07-05-08, 01:40
Best one I have read is the CBT book by Sam Obitz titled Been There? Done That? DO Thiis! The TEA form exercise in it has changed my thinking and life for the better.

07-05-08, 10:09
Claire Weeks method was the one that helped me, my counsellor reccommended it cos distraction wasn't working for me. It helped me accept my anxiety and taught me how to get on with my life.
This method may not work for you but its worth a read, you never know!!
Good luck!

14-05-08, 01:49
I liked claire weekes and the acceptance part helped me a lot but adding in the TEA form exercise from Sam Obitz really got me over the hump. Everyones different but both of these methods helped me get where I am today:D

05-09-10, 18:37
The TEA forms in the book by Sam Obitz are really helpful if you are dedicated to using them.:yesyes:

05-09-10, 19:01
I think Claire Weekes books are the best. But David Burns, Feeling Good, and When Panic Attacks, are also good.

23-10-10, 00:20
The TEA forms in the book by Sam Obitz are really helpful if you are dedicated to using them.:yesyes:

Great point. You have to use them to get results:yesyes:

05-04-11, 01:14
Thanks Cece. Like anything you have to put n the time and effort to get the results you want:)

16-04-11, 02:16
Thanks Cece. Like anything you have to put n the time and effort to get the results you want:)
You're welcome and that is undoubtedly true. Good to see you posting again:yesyes:

02-06-11, 00:27
Thx and you too!

12-08-11, 03:01
You're welcome again:)
I hope your life is going well:yesyes:

12-08-11, 16:58
Claire Weekes books - they have changed my life! x

24-08-11, 03:18
We all have our favorite books but I think even more importantly than which book you choose is that you choose one and then dedicate yourself to what it advises. Without making a commitment to yourself to do the work to get better, no book will help you:flowers:

24-08-11, 09:33
I have to say that Claire Weekes is helping me too! My sister just happened to see it on a second hand book store and thought it might help me. Not bad for £1! :yesyes:

24-08-11, 15:33
Yep. I can really reccomend Claire Weekes, her books are very helpful.

28-08-11, 03:27
I have to say that Claire Weekes is helping me too! My sister just happened to see it on a second hand book store and thought it might help me. Not bad for £1! :yesyes:

No risk at that bargain price too:yesyes:

30-05-12, 23:01
We all have our favorite books but I think even more importantly than which book you choose is that you choose one and then dedicate yourself to what it advises. Without making a commitment to yourself to do the work to get better, no book will help you:flowers:

I completely agree (but hope it is cbt based since that what worked for me).

Tia Maria
30-05-12, 23:48
I highly recommend both Claire Weeks books - both have been so helpful in helping me. There are also audio CD;s available by Claire Weeks - very useful if you find concentrating on reading difficult which I did - good luck

22-07-12, 04:00
I completely agree (but hope it is cbt based since that what worked for me).

I too hope it is CBT based as that is what has given me my freedom to jump back into my life:)