View Full Version : I hate Dr. Oz!!!!

27-04-12, 20:20
I hate Dr Oz!!!! I'm sure he is a nice man and has everybody's best interests at heart, but seriously he is NOT good for anxiety.

Today I saw he had all these things on yahoo, including a video about cancer signs not to miss. I knew I should not look at it. I KNEW IT, but for some reason I clicked on it because I thought I would watch it and think "Oh good I have none of those symptoms." Not the case!

I won't even name what they are. This thread is just about me hating Dr. Oz.

UGH! I'm sorry, I needed to vent. I am mad at myself for clicking on it, and I am also mad at myself for not being able to rationally judge information about health.

27-04-12, 20:23
I've never heard of him but now I fully intend to avoid him too...

27-04-12, 20:26
He is this doctor that got famous I think through Oprah? Unlike Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz is an actual MD and now he has his own talk show. But everytime I flip through I just skip right past the channel he is on because it is always about what now will kill you, etc. It's too anxiety-provoking for me.

But then part of me wonders if I need to desensitize myself to stuff like that, ya know? Am I making it worse by avoiding that stuff?

27-04-12, 20:53
Just to let you know, I saw the exact same article on yahoo and have been worried since yesterday. Most of the symptoms he listed are pretty generalized and could describe a whole malady of diseases. There was one in cancer particular that got me really worried, I have a feeling it's the exact same that's making you worried as the symptoms he described could just as easily be anxiety or depression symptoms.

Swgrl and I are from the states so it doesn't surprise me that our UK brethren have never heard of Dr. Oz. He's a bit of a quack tv doctor, and he seems better at scaring people than anything else.

27-04-12, 21:01
The trouble is, if you believed everything you read, you'd be afraid to do anything for fear of it causing some terminal illness. Off for a pizza and a glass of wine, I wonder what Dr. Oz would say about that?

Pip x

27-04-12, 21:22
LOL I'm having pizza and wine for dinner tonight too!! Red wine prevents cancer :D at least that's what I tell myself. You're totally right, it's just when you hear a doctor say something it makes it that much harder to brush off!

And Benjamin - I know! We are probably thinking of the same one. Most that he described were so vague, I am so frustrated that I read it. Those symptoms could be anything. But Dr. Oz has to go ahead and tell us that they are ones we should not ignore.

I have to remind myself that I probably have a much higher chance of getting in a car accident and dying that way than getting cancer. But that doesn't stop me from getting in the car every day, and speeding too ... But for some reason I believe I actually have some control in that situation, which isn't always the case.

miss sparkle
27-04-12, 22:12
OMG, i am tempted to Google this doctor Oz and see this cancer symptom that i just know i will have no matter what it is!
How screwed up, i know i would probably bust into tears with worry after!
arraghhh! x

27-04-12, 23:57
Lol please don't google Dr. Oz! By far my favorite TV doctor here in the US is Dr. Drew Pinsky. I'm not sure if he's well known in the UK, but he does an incredible amount of TV and Radio work over here. I have no clue when the man has time to sleep. He doesn't talk about it very often, but he has in fact had a few bouts with anxiety attacks during his life.

Anyway I guess I'm getting off topic now, but I HIGHLY recommend listening to episodes of loveline. It's a 2-hour nightly radio show that Dr. Drew has hosted here in the US for many many years, and it has never failed to teach me something new or make me laugh hysterically. A LOT of the show you'll hear young Americans, usually aged around 15-24, calling in and asking ridiculously stupid questions. Trust me there's tons of entertainment factor all around, and it'll definitely make you feel better about yourself in the process.

DEFINITELY check out the older episodes (from 1997 to 2005), which is when the show was Co-Hosted by comedian Adam Carolla. You can find old episodes at:

(feel free to click on one of the top-rated shows on the left hand side of the page)

Nowadays the show is co-hosted by some other comedian named psycho mike, definitely not as funny and entertaining as Adam Carolla. New episodes can be found at:
(you have to register a username and login to download new episodes here)

28-04-12, 01:21
Thanks Ben. I'm going to have a listen to some of them tomorrow - I could do with a bit of a laugh.

Enjoyed my pizza and wine very much - and I'm still alive... Cheers Dr. Oz!

Pip xx

---------- Post added at 01:21 ---------- Previous post was at 00:55 ----------

I looked at Dr. Oz's website. Good grief! All I could see was weight loss tips and how to check the colour of your poop. Lovely! I wonder what white dog poo means? I must email the show and ask him?

We have a programme called Embarrassing Bodies where people who are apparently too embarrassed to see their GP, so they decide to go on national television and show their diseased genitals etc. to the nation. Definitely not for the faint-hearted or the sober!

28-04-12, 09:12
I just dont like doctors all together that assume the worst. I tend to find male doctors are bad at that they just tend to lack the empathy and understanding that a female doctor provides esp to patients that are already feeling upset and worried about something.

That is my opinion out there and of course there will be male doctors out there that are awesome but my experiences are not.

ANd no I dont like doctor Oz because he kind of follows that category.