View Full Version : im new can y help with comming off mirtazipine and im on low dose of valiuim

28-04-12, 06:59
Hi i need advise im on 2mgms of valiuim and have been on it for 15 yrs im comming down slowly but have been on mirtazipine for16 months i hate the drug it makes me restless anxious nausea the list goes on do i stay on valiuim and get of mit or get off benzos first.
I was a guest and read alot about mirt and i know there are others like me i just dont know wt road to take the mirt gives me more anxiouness than valiim please help mr

28-04-12, 07:00
Hi broomegirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-04-12, 07:29
Hi broomegirl :) Can I assume your from Broome? , I live in Perth.

I have the opposite problem to you I have been given 2mg of valium by my Doc but am petrified to take it because I have a phobia about getting adverse reactions from medications. Perhaps you could reassure me about the benefits of valium for extreme anxiety.:)

28-04-12, 10:40
Hi there and :welcome:!

Join in on some threads and you'll find some people who've been exactly where you are now. I suppose a long conversation with your GP would also be of benefit, if you haven't done this already.

Take care

Pip xx

28-04-12, 12:19
do i stay on valiuim and get of mit or get off benzos first.

Welcome to the forum. I think that question though can only be answered by your doctor. Clearly if you feel any medication is not working or is even counterproductive (it happens) then it could be time for some changes. Whatever happens, as you say there are many in here who have changed or stopped medication so we can help support you doing it.

30-04-12, 07:13
Hi Trica,
From sunny broome well if i was you i would only take valiuim for a short time as it very addictive as i well ive been caught on benzos for 15 years 10 with ativan and now 5 with valiuim it is not good long term,i keep on blamming mert for the anxiousness but mine is withdrawing off valiuim too mert helps with sleep i was put on mirt 16 months ago but noticed me being more anxious in the last 6 months ,so for me im on a hard road.
People give me advise and say get of benzos firsrt and other say may be mit is giving you anxious ness so wt do we do.
So fo me i think about this so much i just get frustrated so many people trying to help but i think i wnt on valiuim for sleep and anixousness in the begining and now trying to come off it is a hard road but i know i have to do one at a time, so i think benzos is the first one to come off.
If you are just generlized anixious use it for short term its good no more than a couple of months, dont take my road its to far to get bk but im 49 now and need off addictive drugs like benzos.
So good luck and please let me know how you go.
Thanks to my other posts too yes i will discuss with my doc i know i want off both but cant do it straight away with ditching both

Thanx for all yr help