View Full Version : New worry- Lung Cancer...

28-04-12, 08:31

Great so after this horrible mucasy cough and sinus drama ive had for months has finally got better about a week and a bit back...I still cough a little thats mucusy but no where near as bad as it was...

About a week ago, i started getting this tingling, pressure sensation around the nose and under the eyes (the area where sunglasses sit) its horrible sometime i think my cheeks are moving like somethings crawling underneith them...Also i have bad ringing in the ears and my ears are blocked a little again...

Ive had for days this horrible pain under the right shoulder blade, at first i thought maybe ive done something to it..but the pain is getting worse...and its only when i cough, sneeze but then it may hur for a little while after when i breath...It hurts when i move my arm in certain directions...The day it started i also had bad neck pain which seem to have gone now. Ive been tired recently but dont know if its cas im tired with hubby away alone with 2 kids.

Ive booked an appointment to see the doctor which isnt until Wed..

I stupidly went on google last night as i was looking to see how people get rid of this pain thinking maybe a pulled muscle...

I entered right shoulder blade pain from coughing...


I checked the gallbladder the less nasty and the symptoms arnt right...so whats left Lung Cancer.....More appropriate to me...ive smoked for 15 years, in the last 6 mths ive had chest infections, throat infections, maybe bronchitis who knows...its been on going all winter...
Now im thinking all the tingling, funny face sensation is the cancer getting into my brain....:weep::weep::weep:
My vision has been bad with this as well like the room keeps moving when i focus on things....

I feel like i already know what the doctor will say....

28-04-12, 08:43
Hey!!! How old are you? you're pretty young right? under 60? The chances of lung cancer are pretty darn slim even with smoking for 15 years..

Are you still smoking? if so, I gave up using an e-cigarette and found it really easy.

The tingling pressure sounds just like blocked sinuses. And the rest.. I'm sure it's just the normal stuff smokers have to put up with, when we get colds it goes straight to our chests and I ALWAYS pull muscles when I cough a lot, just like you described.

It's health anxiety and a cold.. it is NOT cancer.. I knew someone with lung cancer and the first signs were nothing like you describe. Google is an AWFUL doctor.. I was just told I might have cancer because I googled "my eyelashes are getting shorter" lol

28-04-12, 09:23
Hi Hypo

I'm 27, I've been smoking for about 7mths solid now as I had to stop when pregnant with my second.....

I wasn't even thinking cancer until I looked at google...thing is it sounds stupid as I really do like smoking...I know it's bad for me, the only time I prob could see myself quit is if something like this happened........

I just get so frustrated as I've been to the doctors about this coughing drama so many times and he never offers a chest X-ray or offers me anything to be honest.

I think I might push for one to put my mind at rest, I just hope he doesn't say oh it's your anxiety....I'm so fed up with that now....

They always say my chest sounds clear but surely if there were tumours in there they wouldn't make a noise if you know what I mean....

My nan great nan died of lung cancer but I was young and can't remember what symptoms or anything she had....

28-04-12, 09:31

Ive had the pain in right shoulder and back. Its tension i think like a knot? i find if im busy i dont have it. make ur self really busy (i know u prob are with 2 kids - i got 4) and answer honestly if it was there??? i find this helps me soooo much

28-04-12, 11:34
Doesn't sound stupid, I LOVED smoking, loved everything about it. I relapsed after a 2 yr quit and I missed it for 2 years straight. I vape now and I'm enjoying it, no cravings for real ciggies YET, but I will never enjoy it as much as I enjoy smoking ciggies.

I quit because it worries me too much.

Im pretty sure they would be able to tell by listening to your chest if there was something wrong.

28-04-12, 12:59
I have all of your symptoms and I am not a smoker. The shoulder blade pain for me is always some type of muscle knot or spasm due to tension. It hurts like hell but that's what it is. See if you can ice it or get somebody to massage it out.

I also get all of those facial feelings due to sinus congestion because of my allergies. Once I learned it was allergies it got a little better but is bad right now due to spring pollen on top of all my indoor allergies.

I think you'll be fine but it's good to chat with the doc as they can give you some meds

28-04-12, 13:33
You may want to read my reply here:
