View Full Version : work today

28-04-12, 08:37
I have always been fine at work... but my anxiety has never been this bad before and it's affecting everything now. It has caught up to me in my own home now and constant anxiety there. Last week was so bad I didn't go to work . they had to close the cafe early because noone was found to replace me. Now meant to work again today but been pankiking about it because I am scared that if I don't go will be fired and I can't just walk out if I feel so bad. I havn't slept a bit all night, and now just been sick (but nothing came out as not got anything in stomach). Works in just over 2 hours and not sure what to do. I am thinking about taking dizazapine but never taken it before and not sure if it will help or make me really sleepy. Any advice would be great because I am freaking out but I need this job because I need the money (it is only weekend job but am at uni). I could go and 'distract myself' when there but it is soo hard, as did it the week before and hardly managed it the whole time thinking I need to escape, i don't feel great.

28-04-12, 08:49
Diazapam shouldnt make you sleepy just chilled out a bit.
Try and see your gp next week


28-04-12, 09:06
okay thanx.went to gp yesterday. I a starting new meds tomoz

28-04-12, 09:29
I know its hard but not going in to work will not make you feel any better, in fact it will make you worse because all you'll do is be at home worrying even more. But if you go and just get through it the best you can, when you finish work at least you will have achieved that. Good luck:)

28-04-12, 10:10
Hi Natalie,

Sound advice from Harvest - you'll feel better if you go to work. I know how hard it is but if you force yourself, you'll be far less anxious later knowing you can go to work.

Give it a go

Take care

Pip xxx

28-04-12, 19:51
Thank you guys!!! It really helped me. I went to work and even though I felt so anxious, and had no energy as had no sleep or food in me, I made it through the day! 8 hours and didn't finish till 7. So thank you :) I did take Diazapam 3 times today but didn't seem to do that much to me :/ x

28-04-12, 19:54
Well done - I knew you could do it! Time to put your feet up and relax...

Pip xxx