View Full Version : Small lump under the armpit

05-07-06, 20:45
I haven't been on this site for a long while but in the past people on here have been so helpful. I am back due to worries about the following: I have had a small lump in the top half of my right armpit for possibly a few months (I'm not totally sure), I never really ever notice it, a couple of months ago it got really big and was obviously full of pus which came out very easily. After the pus came out the lump went down to the size of a pea and has stayed the same. In my mind this has always been a sweat gland or harmless lymph node but over the last week I've been wondering if it's just been there too long? Has my attempt to try and not panic about things caused me to be totally ignorant about something serious?
It does not hurt, i can get hold of the small lump and pull it around slightly. My mind is going insane, thinking it's male breast cancer, hodgkins disease, a sympton of hiv...Am going to try and get an appointment with the doctor, just so scared that i have been ignorant and now could be in real danger. The old anxiety symptons are back full force...Any help/comments much appreciated. xx

05-07-06, 23:38
Its possible its a swollen lymph node Lucas. My sisters friend had one under the arm. It did go away on its own in the end, also they are common to swell in the groin. If it was something serious i cant imagine it being full of puss & getting smaller like that. So i think your right there. It could also be a cyst. Im sure because of the sweat glands they could clog up?
Let us know what the doc says, but no i wouldnt worry if i was you. Sounds like you're thinking logically too.
Caz xxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

06-07-06, 07:11
It sounds like a cyst or an absess - I had on one on my bum (lovely!!) and once the pus came out I was left with a hard area. I'm glad your going to the docs though to get it checked out.
love Helen

expecto patronum
06-07-06, 18:35
Do you use spray deodorant? I had a lump under my armpit a year ago, and the doctor said it was from using deodorant; it is quite common, it usually happens because people spray it too close to their skin -( ur supposed to hold the can 6 inches away)- so it could well be this, but obviously check with your doctor too.

06-07-06, 19:43
Hia Lucas
I get these too sometimes in my armpit area and sometimes in a diffrent area:( Do go to your doctors and it will put your mind at rest but you will probably find out it is a harmless cyst or blind boil that takes a while for a head to come on to it,and like you i am always left with a little hard bit but it eventually goes :)
Take care cheryl xx

emma chant
06-07-06, 20:14
I've had a lump under my unpit once ,mine went away after a
couple days.

e chant

06-07-06, 20:40
hi my husband had this a few weeks ago,i nagged him to go the docs it was a blocked sweat gland and he popped it(my husband not the doctor!!!)and hes been fine since.try not to worry but see the doctor just to put your mind at rest!before your anxiety becomes worse but you,ll be fine.take care rachelx x x

07-07-06, 14:04
It definately sounds like a cyst. I think when you suffer from anxiety your body is totally run down by stress and lack of sleep and i get these cysts sometimes but if its worrying you get it checked out by the doc.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

25-07-06, 14:27
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the replies. Saw the doc in the end, and he thought as many of you that it was a cyst and I am going to the hospital in August to have an appointment about going to get it removed. That's one thing solved at least. Thanks again, much appreciated. x

02-08-16, 14:45
This might help...4-5 years ago I was getting lumps in my armpit. Very painful and they kept coming back over and over. So I had this huge lump in my left pit. My mother gave me Black Salve to put on it. Black salve is a drawing salve, it draws stuff out. So I put the salve and a bandage over it for a few days. The salve pulled all of the fluid and pus out. I even squeezed it a few times to help push it out faster. At the very end I squeezed it and a big white ball of hardened pus popped out. Once it was empty I put some antibiotic salve on it to heal. It never came back again! Never! It's worth a try to use something simple and natural first. Better than having it lanced. Get some black salve and give it a try.

03-08-16, 10:13
Lol, this post is 10 years old sunshine. :D Great advice though.