View Full Version : is this just a set back?

28-04-12, 12:09
hi ive had anxiety for a few yrs now and ive had a bad week with my anxiety and am having the intrusive thoughts again im trying to say positive things but as soon as i think of a positive thought a intrusive thought comes strait away, like when im starteing to get really anxiouse i tell my self i say stop im not going to let it controll me anymore i have better things to do strate away i get a horrible intruisive thought, know that they are just thoughts but cant seem to stop them coming and im trying not to let them bother me and try and just get on with things but it just aint working, i had to go to my gp on wensday because my anxiety is really bad, i wasnt getting the intrusive thoughts then. he did ask if anything had happened to trigger it off more and when i told him about my son who tried to harm himself a week before strate away he said that it was because of what has happened it has made my anxiety worse. could this be the reason the intrusive thoughts have come back . also thje nite it happened to my son i seemed to of coped with the situation but it wasnt till a couple days after i started to be very anxiouse all the time can some one relate to this and give me some advise thank you

28-04-12, 12:14

It sounds like you're going through a really tough time, I'm so sorry to hear that.

I have analysed myself for 3 months now as to why I think and feel the way that I do and realistically, there is no justification. It all stemmed from when my boyfriend accused me of cheating on him because I had confessed I'd flirted with someone else, I was getting over it and then he accused me again and it's all gone down hill from then on. I didn't even believe myself that I hadn't done those things.

All I can say to you is that it sounds like a very traumatic event that you can possibly relate too, it's awful when you see others harming because you so desperately want to help them, especially it being you son, but you know how it feels to be in that mind set.

All I can say is that you need to try and take a positive view of this, you need to be there to help your son and try your best to not dwell on these thoughts; remember, thought's aren't fact and they're only a figment of imagination.

I have faith that you'll pull through.

All the best,
Becky x

28-04-12, 12:29
Hiya tricia56, you must be my twin in name and age (ooops if 56 is your age):)

I get everything you say, about trying a positive thought when an intrusive one rears its ugly head in our minds, I have been seeing a psychologist for 4 months and she has tried to teach me mindfulness.....accepting the thought, acknowledging it then let it pass...and I still dont get it no matter how hard I have tried, sometimes visualizing the word, accept, in big bold black letters in my mind has sort of worked.

I believe your Dr is correct when he says what you are experiencing now is a reaction to your Son. Like you I cope in a crisis with any of my kids but then fall apart a few days later.

Like Beckyboo said, I too have faith that in a few days time your intrusive thoughts will lessen. I will keep my fingers crossed for you:)

28-04-12, 12:30
Hi other Tricia! LOL

I think your post really makes sense - do you have any tips on how to summarize the thoughts and separate them from reality?


28-04-12, 12:34
hi tricia and beckyboo thk you for your advice im glad there is other people just like me and makes me feela bit better knowing i can talk to sme one who can relate to the way i feel so thk u both

28-04-12, 12:39
Hi Tricia,

Not a problem at all - if anything it's a comfort knowing that I can help someone else that's going through what I'm going through.

I've started writing a small, self help book which you may actually find helpful. It's not quite finished yet but I don't mind sending you a copy if you wish?

Take care,

28-04-12, 12:43
th you bettyboo id like that if dont mind sending it me as any help at at all i would be grateful for

28-04-12, 12:47

I've sent it through private mail.

Let me know what you think!

28-04-12, 12:56
Hi other Tricia! LOL

I think your post really makes sense - do you have any tips on how to summarize the thoughts and separate them from reality?


:)Hiya Beckyboo, my psychologist told me that the intrusive thoughts are so the opposite of what we are like as people thats why they upset us so much and why we fear them, because these thoughts are so out of character, for us.

lol, it all makes sense now I have answered your question, how come its taken me 4 months till just now to understand:roflmao:

Oh the joys of our minds!!!

28-04-12, 14:09
hi tricia that does make sence .and just want to ask will the thoughts pass in time think i just need reasurance off some one today as am struggling today thk you

28-04-12, 15:39
Hi tricia

From personal experience they will eventually lessen every few days, and once they dont come so often you find it easier to cope, your anxiety will go down and you can begin to smile again because you can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

So many many times I have resorted to telling my thoughts, Oh just F*** off will you and leave me alone....sometimes that helps :) sometimes it doesnt:mad:

Hang in there tricia and just know that myself and others here are thinking about you and wishing you better every day.

28-04-12, 16:17
My thoughts are logical though, I have no real friends anymore, no girlfriend, the only thing I have is my job, so what's the point? I have no motivation any more because when I try things it just goes nowhere, and I just lose the will to carry on. THe only social thing I do is an art class where I just draw for 2 hours and barely speak to people.

So its a logical thought that my life is shit and what will change when I have this attitude as well. I just don't get the world, just don't seem to fit in anymore. I don't know why but I've had enough of it.

I feel terrible of what it would do if I killed myself, it would ruin my parents and sisters lives, and I wish I could just dissappear without all the pain that would cause them but I can't see myself carrying on living like this for much longer, it hurts too much.

28-04-12, 16:20
Oh and tricia I forgot to say I also downloaded quite a few audio hypnosis apps by a guy called Glenn Harrold, they have been beneficial a lot of times for relaxing me, even if at times its only been an hour of respite from anxiety it all helps.

Its 11.20pm here in Perth, Western Australia, I am going to bed now and hope I sleep more than a few hours, I actually feel less anxious right now just for having a few posts here today :)

So thanks everyone who have chatted to me today, you have all helped.

:)If I dont sleep, I'll be back in a few hours. Night night.