View Full Version : Trains Planes...help

05-07-06, 21:11
I had a terrible panic attack after just bording a train for a three hour journey. As soon as the doors shut that was it, because I knew I could not get off or stop the train short of pulling the emergency stop and I did not think that would go down too well. Its a million times worse when I fly.... I do feel like I am losing it completely when this happens.
Anyone else have the same problems ?
Has anyone else tried NLP ? Or any other ideas ?
Thanks all x

06-07-06, 09:51
Yep, I go through periods where train trips or plane travel can be excruciating. Like you it's that panicy thought that I can't get off, I'm stuck on the train or the plane. My worse fear, which I posted about before, is getting so stressed out I'll lose control of my bladder and there won't be any toilets available.

I also have a fear on planes of going a bit crazy and trying to to escape, pull the doors open or something. I try to fight these with rational thoughts (I'm not going to do any of those things, I'm just feeling a bit closed in but that doesn't mean I'm going to go crazy) and some coping techniques (although CBT calls these cheating!) - sitting on an aisle so I can walk around if I want to, moving away from noisy or irritating people, sitting near a toilet and getting trains with toilets, and - for long plane trips - taking an anti-anxiety pill and a G&T : )
L x

Will Loynes
06-07-06, 19:15
I used to love travelling, always saw it as an adventure until the dredded panic and anxiety disorder hit me!
I havent been on a train for ages but I know what its like to have those feelings.
I can remeber going on my hols and boarding the aircraft, it felt like crawling into a very tight tube, the seats felt so cramped together, the flight was ok but just felt so claustaphobic. Since then, when i've been about to fly ive wanted to run away. My main problem now is cars with dark interiors, they really provoke my anxiety, I've had to be let of a car because of my intense fear.
Hope you enjoy NMP, its helped me lots.

Will :D

06-07-06, 19:56
I tried Hypnotherapy for flying problems and that got me back on a plane

You could try that


06-07-06, 20:28
Thanks for your replies. It helps to know other people get similar feelings and I am not going mad. x

emma chant
06-07-06, 21:00
I last year went on the condor ferry 4 the first time,felt excatly the same as you.I was also sea sick and had a headache.

e chant

07-07-06, 09:29
My top three transport nightmare scenarios, counting down:

3. being on a packed commuter train that stops, without explanation, for 10 minutes between stations

2. take off in a plane - the time between you board the aircraft till the seatbelt sign goes off, and you have to stay in your seat

and the big number one:

1. being stuck on an expressway in a traffic, in the back of one of those cars with only two doors, making polite conversation with people you don't know very well.


08-07-06, 22:26
Hello, i went on a plane for the first time in november '05.. soon as i was on it i felt ok.. Weird

I'm going on a 3 1/2 hour train ride from st helens england to glasgow scotland.. and im a little worried even tho i have done the trip on numerous occasions in the past

Wish me luck.. and good luck to you rockweasel