View Full Version : Could I have a brain tumour?

28-04-12, 14:48
For the past 5 or so weeks, I've had a mild headache, on and off.
Before it started I had anxiety due to the fear I had contracted HIV (virus that causes AIDS) from a risky sex encounter. It turned out negative. To reduce stress that time, I had been taking paracetamol nearly every day for 3 months.
To cut a long story short, went to my GP who did a neurological exam. No abnormalities. (He's been my family GP since 1976, so I trust him). I also went to the optometrist, had a field test etc, and everything was normal.

My GP said that because of those findings, "your headaches are from nothing serious". He has since prescribed me Beta-Blockers (Propranolol) which have helped immensley with anxiety, and also reduced headaches...But I still have them.

IDK...Am I being stupid? Or should I demand an MRI... It would be very rare that I would have a brain tumour, yet have a normal Neurological Exam (8% chance) and headache as the only symptom (2% chance)...So my 'risk' is very small.

And another thing - there is NO history, whatsoever in the past 6 generations of my family of cancer of any sort - incl. cousins, aunts, uncles etc...So although Brain tumours are usually not hereditary, I think taking that into account - it would be almost...unbelievable, if I was the first in my family to develop cancer - esp a brain tumour...At 18 years old!

Thanks for your help everyone

28-04-12, 19:53
For the past 5 or so weeks, I've had a mild headache, on and off.
Before it started I had anxiety due to the fear I had contracted HIV (virus that causes AIDS) from a risky sex encounter. It turned out negative. To reduce stress that time, I had been taking paracetamol nearly every day for 3 months.
To cut a long story short, went to my GP who did a neurological exam. No abnormalities. (He's been my family GP since 1976, so I trust him). I also went to the optometrist, had a field test etc, and everything was normal.

My GP said that because of those findings, "your headaches are from nothing serious". He has since prescribed me Beta-Blockers (Propranolol) which have helped immensley with anxiety, and also reduced headaches...But I still have them.

IDK...Am I being stupid? Or should I demand an MRI... It would be very rare that I would have a brain tumour, yet have a normal Neurological Exam (8% chance) and headache as the only symptom (2% chance)...So my 'risk' is very small.

And another thing - there is NO history, whatsoever in the past 6 generations of my family of cancer of any sort - incl. cousins, aunts, uncles etc...So although Brain tumours are usually not hereditary, I think taking that into account - it would be almost...unbelievable, if I was the first in my family to develop cancer - esp a brain tumour...At 18 years old!

Thanks for your help everyone
When my anxiety went sky high and i was getting extreme dizziness,vertigo and headaches thats the first thing i thought about,i even had a panic attack while reading up on whats my symptoms could be caused by and i was reading the brain tumor bit,since then iv had a mri and it was fine,even you worring about it being a tumor could give you headaches etc,if its realllly getting to you,you could demand one as it will put your mind at rest etc.sure iv herd that when having your eyes checked they can normaly see a tumor and then reffer you to hospital etc,its your choice really on if you feel youl be worse untill you have proof.

20-03-13, 20:19
Hi everyone
I posted on here about one year ago with brain tumour worries. Guess what? They're STILL here.

To cut a long story short, I've worried I've had one EVERY day for ONE year. My anxiety about it is horrible, but only at night time. As a result, I've resorted to drinking each night, as it takes the fear away.

I hadn't really wanted to end up on anxiety tablets, but it seems this is my only option left?

:( I don't know what to do anymore.

20-03-13, 20:25
What are your symptoms? i also have this fear

20-03-13, 20:30
Symptoms included... Well, nothing really. I thought I was being forgetful etc. A year ago, when they started, I did have headaches, but not now. :/ That's why I don't understand my fear :/

Mr Brownstone
21-03-13, 12:57
Surely being on anxiety pills are better than dying due to alcohol misuse?

21-03-13, 17:33
I know how you feel, that is one of my worrys, alot of people turn to drink :(

27-03-17, 13:14
Hello everyone

5 years ago I posted on this forum regarding brain tumour fears. We'll believe it or not they've persisted ever since, with me developing 'new' symptoms monthly. Which come and go or never return.

Back in September I thought I saw someone flash a light outside but feared it was an occipital lobe tumour causing visual epilepsy!! It never happened again and since then I've realised it was definitely someone outside.

In November my hair dryer gave off a burning smell. Of course I worried it was a temporal lobe tumour causing olfactory hallu inactions.

My most terrifying symptom occurred last night. I was feeling BERY panicky all night and had a one hour long panic attack when lying in bed. I was drifting off to sleep but kept awakening. At one point I was lightly sleeping and thinking about brain tumour symptoms when I 'forgot' what I was thinking about and couldn't think of any words! It was like my mind had frozen - I couldn't speak in my head!! This only lasted 2 seconds so I think a partial seizure would have lasted longer!!!

Any ideas???

27-03-17, 13:42
To have symptoms that 'come and go or never return' what makes you even think that you have a brain tumour? What started your fears? You've had these fears for 5 years, you would have noticed significant issues by now.

What has your GP said?

I believe you have fear of getting a brain tumour rather than having actual symptoms. Not once in your post have you mentioned actual symptoms and, in fact, gave logic to your initial panics. Instead, you're constantly thinking 'worst case' with everything which is classic Health Anxiety.

You suffered a Panic Attack over your irrational fears. Accept that. Seizure...really?! It sounds like you need to see your GP over your obvious Health Anxiety (which is an actual condition)

27-03-17, 14:00
I was getting mild headaches back in April 2012. The problem is my mindset is 'I didn't have a brain tumour then (eg September) but I must have one now'' :(

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

I'm just so worried about that last night in bed !!

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

Ben1989. I do appreaciate your response because I need people to tell me to stop being stupid. I got worried I'd suffered some form of aphasia - but of course I know focal seizures last at least 30 seconds to 2 minutes. And aphasia refers to speech. What makes my health anxiety terrible is I work in a hospital pharmacy - even being around the drug (Temozolomide) used to treat the worst brain tumour Glioblastoma triggers anxiety and faintness in me :(

27-03-17, 14:34
You know an extreme amount about brain tumours. What this tells us is that you've researched heavily into your feared condition. That is a strong symptom of health anxiety.

My friend had headaches that came completely out of the blue. So bad in fact that he had to take off work sick. He was given oxygen to use whenever he felt them coming on and was off for two/three months with constant headaches. He had more than a right to believe that he had a brain tumour, but he didn't. After the two/three months they just went away and he's been fine ever since.

However, the anxiety in you made you believe that it was sinister. You've spiralled since, unfortunately.

What you had last night was a panic attack. They are horrible and I have suffered with maybe three of them in my life. 'Couldn't speak in your head' is what you described, that's because you were panicking.

It's easy to say stop worrying but I know you can't. That's why I advise you to seek therapy. Have you even seen a GP over these worries of yours?

13-04-17, 13:12
Hi everyone. I've worried about brain tumours a lot for the last 5 years on and off. I've had a variety of symptoms that have came and went in the last few months but now I have a new symptom.

Mild lightheadedness that seems to start at about 10am and lasts for most of the day and then goes away again. It's like dizziness behind my eyes if that makes sense? I'm now worried I truly have developed a tumour but just want to know if anyone has had similar symptoms that turned out benign.

I've been to my GP so many times over brain tumour ''symptoms'' I'd be too embarrassed to go back!!! Thanks

15-04-17, 17:42
I'm the same lately, I had headache worries but now I have no headache but occasionally feel dizzy for a split second. Makes me feel abit off for the rest of the day then nothing for days. Very odd. May need eyes tested but too scarred to go just in case!

16-04-17, 00:13
Mild Dizziness brain tumour ?!??

Mild dizziness...

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

20-04-17, 10:25
Well I've had this happen 3 or 4 times in the last 6 months. It's where I maybe go to speak to a colleague whose name I know, but then suddenly can't remember it - it's like my mind freezes and won't work. I can't think for a few seconds. Then later their name comes back to me. Two times this has happened I'd been off for a week, so I'm wondering if there is a connection?

Of course I'm worried it's a brain tumour. Anyone have anything similar?

20-04-17, 15:29

20-04-17, 18:48
Yes many times.:shrug:

20-04-17, 19:32
Yes, definitely.

20-04-17, 22:04
Lately I've been struggling with a lot of anxiety (more than usually) and it happens to me a lot. Also stuff like when someone asks me date of birth or age, its not jist the funnu confusion thing that happens with most people sometimes, but my mind literally hoes blank for few moments I need to force myself to actively focus on the answer. just today i was at the doctors and said i was 20 (im 21) then got confused, corrected myself im 22 and then finally got my age right lolol. as u said my brain went blank. i also have 0 sense of what day / date it is and constantly forget. i guess its a normal thing when youre highly anxious

21-04-17, 04:50

Hah! I was just going to post Ben's recent thread in!

There are many threads about memory & concentration issues, it's very common.

That volume of occurrences is really quite spread out. I would have more than that easily in one week or less.

I found myself standing there almost willing my brain to kick-start into action to find this thing I needed recalling.

21-04-17, 13:54
My mind went completely blank when I was buying something the other day. I had lots of change in my purse, Gave the assistant a note for change, when I could have given her the right money, Bah!!!

28-04-17, 19:41
Has anyone else on here been obsessed with brain tumours? When I say obsessed - I mean, the last FIVE YEARS I have worried on/off that I have one. When I develop a new symptom I always think: "I didn't have a BT the last time, but I have developed one now"

My most recent "symptom"
Yesterday in work I needed the main Pharmacy to send me up a cream for patient (I was working in the Satellite Pharmacy). I sent the request down in the pneumatic chute and went away to do other stuff on the computer. At some point the receptionist came round and said the cream had arrived. Why am I worried? I don't remember this happening. A colleague thought I was there, but the receptionist said I wasn't. I think at some stage I left the dispensary briefly but can't remember. I worried this was an absence seizure! But I don't think it was, if you get me? :winks:

How do you cope with the anxiety? My GP rx Sertraline but I'm a bit reluctant to take it (tried it for a few days and I kept running to the toilet!)

28-04-17, 23:56
yeah i completely get u... ive had a weird obsession with brain tumours literally ever since i remember, like even when i was less than 10 years old i used to drive my parents crazy with obsessing i have one, no idea when i was exposed to the concept of it the first time that it left such an imprint on my subconsciousness..

ive tried sertraline but after 3 days it literally made me feel suicidal (and i dont otherwise EVER feel suicidal) so my gp took me off it. ever since i am reluctant to take antidepressants tbh. i had a low dosage of diazepam to help me with anxiety for a month which i found helpful but i was only allowed to take it for a month and i built up my tolerance to it very fast. now im trying to handle it without medication. i would really recommend you getting therapy so you can actually deal with whatever issue you have that is causing you this, rather than just medication. also to avoid possible triggers (like googling stuff/medical tv shows/whatever that could cause more fears) i find that part to be very important. also maybe look into mindfulness - i didnt like it at first but now i find it very helpfull with keeping my calm

02-05-17, 20:40
Hi guys! Just checking in again

The last few weeks I have had TERRIBLE memory.

1. Blanking on colleagues names.
2. Forgetting what's just been said to me.
3. Forgetting what I've just said (this was weird!?)
4. Forgetting what I'm talking about
5. Foggy/can't think well
6. Just terrible short term memory

Does anyone else get this? How did you cure it? I had a bad bout of it about 5 years ago when my anxiety first started.

Of course, we all know what I'm worrying about - brain tumour. But I think this is one symptom I can NOT worry about :roflmao::roflmao:

03-05-17, 22:37
Hi unfortunately I can't help with a cure but I am going through exactly the same thing and have been for the past month, I don't know why but it just started happening one day, I have been getting headaches too. I contacted my doctor who suggested I get my eyes tested, as it turned out I did need glasses, my memory has got slightly better since but still headaches and poor concentration and definitely foggy. I too thought tumor straight away but that's what I seem to do. I'll be interested to see if anyone else has had this

03-05-17, 23:25
I forget where I left my keys when I literally lay them down 5 minutes before, I also poured coffee in my cereal instead of milk, I forgot my HUSBANDS name, etc.. this all happened this week.

You are fine, and anxiety and hyperfocused attention on your symptoms will exacerbate them if not cause them.

The majority of us are not up to par so to speak when it comes to memory, partly cause of diet, stress, anxiety, medication, or any metabolic deficiency..

04-05-17, 00:21
Since my anxiety came back full swing, my short term memory has been awful. I get some derealisation and brain fog often so I can relate to how you're feeling.

It never lasts but it's a horrible feeling when you're in the middle of a sentence and completely forget what you were talking about.

04-05-17, 04:56
There have been many threads just like in the time I've been here. Some on GAD, some on this board, some on HA, etc.

Something to remember is that Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in memory functions, cognitive functions, etc. And we are often low on this.

And something I've found in anxiety sufferers is that they are tunnel visioned in loking at their symptoms. What you describe can be experienced by anyone but only anxiety sufferers are found worrying about it.

I can remember having all of that even before my anxiety started. And as you get older, these come with natural aging anyway. Just being under stress can cause all of them in a non anxious person, now take anxiety which is an avalanche compared to a snowball that is stress.

05-05-17, 12:59
I forgot my wifes birthday!

theres no doubt that anxiety playshavoc with short term memory. the only solution is to write notes to yourself if you can remember to do that.

in jail everyday is the same apart from an incident happening like a big search and drug bust or inmate dropping dead

05-05-17, 13:23
Short term memory has been an issue for me quite some time. Even after finishing meeting someone (like an initial conversation), I am totally forgetful of their name. I am also bad with faces, like I can't remember faces until I've met someone a bunch of times. If I close my eyes and try to picture someone's face after having only met them a couple of times or so, I just can't do it. I'll visualize something close (like I can remember their hair and maybe some other features), but I can't recall what they look like exactly, and it's quite frustrating.

Learning-wise, it kills me. Learning was never that hard for me in the past, but now I can't remember facts, figures, etc. with ease. It's pretty damn difficult.

You're not alone. I do connect it to the anxiety tying up my mind's resources with anxiety-linked thoughts, even if they're running in the background.

18-05-17, 10:11
Hi everyone

I'm just wondering does anyone else get this. Since august or September last year, I briefly smell smoke when BREATHING IN ONLY. It's sometimes wood smoke or 'coal smoke'. It lasts literally a split second but is strong enough that I notice it.

It has been happening a bit more recently. Any ideas? Of
Course I'm worried about brain tumour.

18-05-17, 15:47
I went through the exact same thing last fall.

Have you had a cold lately? It is allergy season, so maybe that has something to do with it.

The term for this is Phantosmia I believe.

18-05-17, 15:49
I have a cold right now as we type. But it's so strange because it
Happens so infrequently!! I do however have asthma and
Chronic rhinitis/sinus issues. Possible connection?

When I 'smell' it, it literally lasts HALF A SECOND and it's gone!?! I only get the smell once or twice a week!! Sometimes only 1 time a month. But it's been increasing.

18-05-17, 15:56
I keep smelling bar b que smoke (like when you're smoking meat) here in the hallway at work No one else smells it. It's just making me hungry is all :D

Positive thoughts

Gary A
18-05-17, 15:58
We've spoken about this before.

If these smells were being caused by a brain tumour, they wouldn't only happen when you breathe in. That type of thing would be present regardless of inhalation or exhalation, as it is the brain that is malfunctioning, not the nose.

You don't have a brain tumour.

Catherine S
18-05-17, 16:11
I could smell petrol really strongly a few weeks ago, it had been happening for 2 or 3 weeks and was driving me mad. My husband couldn't smell it, only I could. Because I'm no longer freaked out by googling symptoms I looked it up and saw that it could be connected to the sinuses. Makes more sense than a brain tumour to be honest. I don't automatically jump to the worst case scenario these days though thankfully.


18-05-17, 16:14
I have a cold right now as we type. But it's so strange because it
Happens so infrequently!! I do however have asthma and
Chronic rhinitis/sinus issues. Possible connection?

When I 'smell' it, it literally lasts HALF A SECOND and it's gone!?! I only get the smell once or twice a week!! Sometimes only 1 time a month. But it's been increasing.

People with allergies and sinusitis are susceptible to getting this.

I wouldn't worry about anything sinister. I got checked out and it all came back fine, and I still get the smell of cigarette smoke from time to time, so don't worry about it.

07-06-17, 14:05
My mind went completely blank when I was buying something the other day. I had lots of change in my purse, Gave the assistant a note for change, when I could have given her the right money, Bah!!!

Haha same here... sucks to sometimes just stand there like an ape, scratching your head and not being able to comprehend whats going on for a few seconds.

07-06-17, 23:40
Yeah I'm pretty sure that happens to everyone. Anxiety or no anxiety.

08-06-17, 01:45
Brain fart!

08-06-17, 02:39
Simply put--- yes.

And I also call them brain farts

11-06-17, 04:51

11-06-17, 14:34
Brain fart!

You know that movie where ummm...........................

Positive thoughts

19-09-17, 18:44
Hi everyone

Well I've had similar things in the past. Sometimes I'd get a really random memory, than came and went in a flash and was unrelated to what I was doing. Worried about seizures back then.

Since Saturday, each day I've had this weird thing. On Saturday I heard a word, which seemed to trigger random memories I couldn't really grasp, for about 5 seconds. I got all anxious during it because I thought "God this is a seizure symptom". I could sort of ignore it.

Then yesterday I looked at a bottle which seemed to do the same - only for about 3 seconds.

Then tonight when I was in the bathroom, I had a sudden relatively intense memory of my old house's bathroom, where I'd been taking a panic attack! Again the memory lasted for about 3 seconds, then was gone.

OF course I'm worried about seizures from a Brain tumour. Does anyone else have anything similar?

19-09-17, 18:55
tbh think we have all had moments like that.

You have had these fears on and off for 5 years.

What techniques are you using to rationalise this?

Try not to over think things too much.

19-09-17, 18:58
They are called Mind Pops and they are just how the human brain works. Just as intrusive thoughts are part of normal brain functioning.

The issue here is you worrying about them and making "what if" links to something else.

Anxious people notice their thoughts more just as they do their bodies. That's all it is.

The bathroom thought is more an intrusive thought, a trigger in making associations in location which is very common in panic & anxiety. Remember, fight or flight is looking for similar risks to protect you. If you let it build, it will try to make the new bathroom an issue for you.

19-09-17, 19:07
Thanks guys for the replies - I hope if anyone else has this they can answer.

I had it under control temporarily from June until Saturday. And its nearly 6 years now Elen :(

19-09-17, 19:18
How about reading about Mind Pops & intrusive thoughts? Then it comes from professionals which counts for more than the odd sufferer saying they've had it too?

Catherine S
19-09-17, 19:23
There is a member called Livvy_Rice who joined recently with alot of anxiety about this very thing, and she has a thread with the same title. It might be an idea to contact her to have a chat about it. Although everybody gets this deja vu and random memories, not everybody is freaked out by it so not many people can relate to the fear of it. It's always good to know there's somebody who feels the same way :D

Cath S x

19-09-17, 23:26
I've been struggling with the same thing for quite some time. I feel convinced that my deja vu symptoms, on top of my visual snow means I have a brain tumor or epilepsy. The thing is though, I have had anxiety my whole life, way before the deja vu things started. So, deep down I know it's irrational. Always glad that there are others that can relate :)

I had one of those weird mind pop memory things today as well. It's freaky because you kinda forget what they were about.

Catherine S
19-09-17, 23:54
Actually, when I get them they seem to comfort me rather than freak me out. I have to admit when it first started happening regularly I did wonder why, but the pops of memory were just lovely reminders of the past really, of my family and when my children were small. Sometimes I wish they'd stay a bit longer than they do. I got them quite alot when they first started some years ago, but now they're more sporadic.

Try not to be so freaked out by this phenomenon, it's quite common so just go with it if you can :)

20-09-17, 01:18
Mind pops are relatively new in study and the triggers can be really subtle. See a word, smell something, etc and bingo a memory is triggered. They aren't about fearful thoughts like intrusive thoughts are, they can be nice things like smelling something and having a memory of a better time or mum's homemade cooking. :yesyes:

Deja Vu is a different thing. It can be confusing navigating all the weird thoughts though and a lot of the time we just don't need to know where they come from because it's adding importance to something that the non anxious would place no value on.

20-09-17, 10:36
Yes anx1ous that's it - and with the bathroom thing I didn't need know if the memory was definitely real or not. And sometimes it feels like you can't grasp the memories??

01-01-18, 20:35
Hi everyone

Happy New Year to you all.

I'd been doing well since the end of September 2017 and had no further brain tumour worries. However, they've came back today with a vengeance.

I was in the car with my partner this morning, very hungover and tired, when he was on the phone to his mother. As she went to hang up, she said: "Tell (my name) Happy New Year too". Then she said jokingly, "Can't hear you" and he brought the phone over to my mouth.

I said: "Happy New uhhhhhh Year (name)" but it was like my mind froze/went blank. I couldn't think of the word Year or what to say?!? And then she laughed because I'd just gone "uhhhhh". The mind blank only lasted a second or two, but still unnerved me.

I had been reading diagnosis stories about brain tumours last week (I know, how stupid of me!) so maybe this has made me extra alert on "symptoms"

Do you think this was caused by a partial seizure or something?

Catherine S
01-01-18, 20:54
No. It was caused by you reading about brain tumours again...yeah stupid of you...and having a hangover. So whatever you did to stop worrying before, try doing it now.

Happy New Year to you too.

Cath x

02-02-18, 09:37
Hi everyone

Well now I’ve got a new symptom. A 1/10 pain that comes and goes (like 1 second long) on my left temple. It happens loads each day and has done for 3 days now. It stops for a while too.

Worried about brain tumours. Has anyone else had this for this long?

02-02-18, 11:22
So you have a very mild headache that happens for a very short space of time that you've noticed for a very short amount of days :shrug:

Sometimes a headache is just a headache.

02-02-18, 11:37
Don't worry about brain tumors. I have had similar headaches that come and go multiple times a day. They were slightly stronger than yours and lasted for weeks.
My doctor told me that if I had a brain tumor (which is rare to begin with) I would have come to him because of other way more severe symptoms long before I would have noticed a headache.

02-02-18, 12:13
Exactly, my doctor told me the same thing.

02-02-18, 12:57
A 1/10 pain that comes and goes (like 1 second long) on my left temple.

I have neuropathy in my feet due to treatment. I get stabbing pains in my feet (I take gabapentin and it helps) those 2-10 second long bursts of pain are a 6-8 on a scale of 10 and literally feel like someone is sticking a nail in my feet. It's nerve damage from treatment so I know.

That sounds like a normal body/nerve twinge and not a pain.

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 09:50
Well here I am AGAIN. I’d been doing well for a while until I The weekend when I realised I’d been having a bit of word finding difficulty. In conversation I’d try to think of a word but substitute it with another. This seemed to pass until I was watching 24Hours in A&E and a man was diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Last night I decided to test myself and looked round my room and I was able to name everything. That was until I came to my shirt and I couldn’t think what the cuff was called. This lasted a couple of seconds and then it came to me.

Of course, I’m thinking brain tumour :/ or is this just me making something out of nothing?

01-03-18, 15:48
You have had this for 5 years have you not asked the doctor for an mri scan referal?i have had brain tumour/ms symptoms since about november and i asked my gp to refer me for an mri scan because i know my own body and something aint right,within 5 weeks of asking i now have one this saturday.ask your gp for an mri scan to put your mind at rest then you can start on your anxiety.good luck

01-03-18, 16:01
You have had this for 5 years have you not asked the doctor for an mri scan referal?i have had brain tumour/ms symptoms since about november and i asked my gp to refer me for an mri scan because i know my own body and something aint right,within 5 weeks of asking i now have one this saturday.ask your gp for an mri scan to put your mind at rest then you can start on your anxiety.good luck

I disagree with an MRI for anxiety symptoms. It may help for a short period of time but I can point to pages of threads where the doubts creep back in or the person shifts to another fear.

The best thing to do is ask your doctor for a referral for professional mental health help. Treat the illness you do have as opposed to test for illnesses you don't have.

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 16:46
I just wish there was some way to overcome anxiety without having to seek help (sounds stupid, I know).

It just seems I go in cycles where

1. Find symptom
2. Obsess over symptom and notice it more often
3. Google Google Google
4. Eventually convince myself I'm fine
5. "Calm before the storm"
6. Repeat

I've counted around 30 (yes, thirty) different "symptoms" I've had since my BT fears started six years ago (scary it's been this long). Yet they've never turned out to be anything.

01-03-18, 16:50
I disagree with an MRI for anxiety symptoms. It may help for a short period of time but I can point to pages of threads where the doubts creep back in or the person shifts to another fear.

The best thing to do is ask your doctor for a referral for professional mental health help. Treat the illness you do have as opposed to test for illnesses you don't have.

Positive thoughts

I know what your saying fish but anxiety symptoms mimic serious health conditions,its all well and good saying its anxiety but how do you know theres not an underlying cause like a brain tumour?im not saying every person who walks into a doctors office fearing a brain tumour should have an mri scan but if there are persistent symptoms further investigation is required in my opinion.

01-03-18, 16:54
I know what your saying fish but anxiety symptoms mimic serious health conditions,its all well and good saying its anxiety but how do you know theres not an underlying cause like a brain tumour?im not saying every person who walks into a doctors office fearing a brain tumour should have an mri scan but if there are persistent symptoms further investigation is required in my opinion.

I've been on the forum since August of 2013. If you or anyone else here fearing a brain tumor ends up with one, it will be a first! Of the tens of thousands of posts and fears, I know of TWO that actually had a serious illness... TWO...

Statistically speaking, I stand by my statement.

Positive thoughts

01-03-18, 20:15
Please do as Fishmanpa and others have said, and seek help for your Health Anxiety. If you don't it will rule your life (if it isn't already).

I think the chances of you having a brain tumour is very unlikely, a more benign cause is more likely the culprit. Especially as you have been worrying about this for so long.

Five years? Think about this logically. If you really had a brain tumour for the last five years you wouldn't be on this forum posting now, would you?*

When I'm very anxious I find it easy to forget things, the panic takes over. So it could simply be anxiety causing yourissue.

Also I'm sure everyone forgets what word they want from time-to-time, it doesn't mean there's a serious problem.

And headaches are also common for a variety of reasons completely unrelated to anything sinister.

So please, get some help for the real problem (aka anxiety) and stop worrying about brain tumours. Because from what I've read on here from other posters who have got bad health anxiety, what will happen is you will push for your MRI, find that it shows no brain tumour, but instead of getting on with your life you will then latch onto something else and start worrying about that. And so the cycle will continue.

So listen to everyone on here who is telling you this. Please.

Take care.


*Disclaimer - unless you're posting from "the other side" that is :D

02-03-18, 01:35
You have had this for 5 years have you not asked the doctor for an mri scan referal?i have had brain tumour/ms symptoms since about november and i asked my gp to refer me for an mri scan because i know my own body and something aint right,within 5 weeks of asking i now have one this saturday.ask your gp for an mri scan to put your mind at rest then you can start on your anxiety.good luck

The OP's GP would have assessed symptoms to determine it isn't a suspected brain tumour otherwise they would be on a 2 week fast track process.

The OP is in the UK so most likely with the NHS and we can't afford expensive MRI testing just because someone wants reassurance and can't resist their anxiety despite what a doctor is saying (not saying you aren't doing OP, just a general point about why the NHS can't do excessive reassurance testing for those that couldn't).

The OP could go private and I'm sure they will happily wave them through for an expensive test without the required symptoms and then hand them the bill.

With the NHS you have to remember there are other patients referred for those tests who then sit behind you in the queue and they may actually have a brain tumour. The priority should be them.

02-03-18, 14:32
The OP's GP would have assessed symptoms to determine it isn't a suspected brain tumour otherwise they would be on a 2 week fast track process.

The OP is in the UK so most likely with the NHS and we can't afford expensive MRI testing just because someone wants reassurance and can't resist their anxiety despite what a doctor is saying (not saying you aren't doing OP, just a general point about why the NHS can't do excessive reassurance testing for those that couldn't).

The OP could go private and I'm sure they will happily wave them through for an expensive test without the required symptoms and then hand them the bill.

With the NHS you have to remember there are other patients referred for those tests who then sit behind you in the queue and they may actually have a brain tumour. The priority should be them.

Fair point.

02-03-18, 15:27
The OP's GP would have assessed symptoms to determine it isn't a suspected brain tumour otherwise they would be on a 2 week fast track process.

The OP is in the UK so most likely with the NHS and we can't afford expensive MRI testing just because someone wants reassurance and can't resist their anxiety despite what a doctor is saying (not saying you aren't doing OP, just a general point about why the NHS can't do excessive reassurance testing for those that couldn't).

The OP could go private and I'm sure they will happily wave them through for an expensive test without the required symptoms and then hand them the bill.

With the NHS you have to remember there are other patients referred for those tests who then sit behind you in the queue and they may actually have a brain tumour. The priority should be them.

In addition.

A GP knows what a Brain Tumour looks like when it walks through the door. If they aren't booking you in for an MRI then you don't need one.

02-03-18, 18:22
Has anyone else on here been obsessed with brain tumours? When I say obsessed - I mean, the last FIVE YEARS I have worried on/off that I have one. When I develop a new symptom I always think: "I didn't have a BT the last time, but I have developed one now"

My most recent "symptom"
Yesterday in work I needed the main Pharmacy to send me up a cream for patient (I was working in the Satellite Pharmacy). I sent the request down in the pneumatic chute and went away to do other stuff on the computer. At some point the receptionist came round and said the cream had arrived. Why am I worried? I don't remember this happening. A colleague thought I was there, but the receptionist said I wasn't. I think at some stage I left the dispensary briefly but can't remember. I worried this was an absence seizure! But I don't think it was, if you get me? :winks:

How do you cope with the anxiety? My GP rx Sertraline but I'm a bit reluctant to take it (tried it for a few days and I kept running to the toilet!)

Hi RadioGaga, I hope you're doing well. Yes, me too. I've been thinking I have a brain tumor since I was 14 years old in 2010 so 7 years ago. At that time I developed a weird head pressure and sudden shooting pain in my head and since that moment I've been trhougout the whole internet searching forums, people's experiences, symptoms etc. I think that my fear was kind of moderate but when I turned 17 things scalated and when I was going to get my CT scan at that age I was so convinced I was going to die, and wouldn't see my 18th birthday. And everytime I passed near the morgue cause radiology was opposite my whole body was shaking and thought I soon was going to be there. But guess I'm still here, ct scan was normal. But now I'm sure I have it cause the headaches have become persistent three months ago and I'm scared that ct scan gave me cancer or my crll phone :(

Anyway I hope you can get through this and that you feel better soon, living with this fear is miserable :(

02-03-18, 18:57
Hi RadioGaga, I hope you're doing well. Yes, me too. I've been thinking I have a brain tumor since I was 14 years old in 2010 so 7 years ago. At that time I developed a weird head pressure and sudden shooting pain in my head and since that moment I've been trhougout the whole internet searching forums, people's experiences, symptoms etc. I think that my fear was kind of moderate but when I turned 17 things scalated and when I was going to get my CT scan at that age I was so convinced I was going to die, and wouldn't see my 18th birthday. And everytime I passed near the morgue cause radiology was opposite my whole body was shaking and thought I soon was going to be there. But guess I'm still here, ct scan was normal. But now I'm sure I have it cause the headaches have become persistent three months ago and I'm scared that ct scan gave me cancer or my crll phone :(

Anyway I hope you can get through this and that you feel better soon, living with this fear is miserable :(

The 2 doctors ive seen and asked about brain tumours both told me that headaches are not actually the main symptoms of a brain tumour