View Full Version : Thinking of doing a uni course

28-04-12, 20:16
i studied music at college 12 years ago, it was the best thing i ever done, i loved it and all the great people on my course, but a dark cloud came over me after i left, i have always aspired to do "something" with my life that i enjoy.

i studied childcare whilst working in a nursery about 8 years ago, i thought it seems an ok career and considered becoming a primary school teacher but i really aspire for something im really interested in, something hobby related.

i haven't worked for nearly 8 years due to bad anxiety/panic and having 3 kids to look after, i'm not on any benefits, but have just relied on my partner working, i haven't been out and socialised anywhere for years, i have been looking at my 200 friends (mainly old friends) on facebook, and everyone seems like they are doing stuff and seem so much more exciting than me, it made me think, i would love to do something for myself, take an interest in something i enjoy.

well i have seen an open learning diploma in photography (run by idi university of hertfordshire) i have had a really keen interest in photography over the last few years, i take my camera everywhere and i am really passionate about it and have considered studying it for a very long time, but avoided it as there arnet many career lines i could go into at the end of it, but the thing is i really want to do it, i want to study something i enjoy..

then there is the sensible route (becoming a primary school teacher) which a job i would like as i love working with children, also could branch into other career routes such as a music therapist, childrens music teacher etc..

but i'm not ready for a brick built uni and i'm not getting any younger, but i want to get out there and do something .....

only downside is if i make a mistake in my career i cant get funding for another.....so should i go for the exciting route or the sensible route???

28-04-12, 20:29
There's always the Open University www.open.ac.uk to consider as well.

One of us

08-05-12, 13:26
i found a full time course done me the world of good. your situation is different to mine was but encouragement meant. my son tells me that fascination dispells melacholy. lets gets fascinated. regards. steve