View Full Version : Hello

05-07-06, 21:26

I've just joined the forum as I was looking for information for Citalopram, I've been on it for 4 weeks now and was wondering if anyone can give any advice/info on how they are feeling it.

I did get the side effect in the first two weeks, however, I'm curious as to any success stories on them.

I've read afew of the topics and everyone appears to be very helpful and supportive of each other.

I'm having a down day today - I was prescibed them for Post Natal depression - My baby is 12 months - I really thought I didn't have it! How bizarre!


polly daydream
05-07-06, 21:59
Hi Chica and welcome. Can't really say much as I have only been on them for two weeks but so far so good, with just a few side effects. Alot of people though say they have had great results on them, so I am hoping for the same result.

Best wishes,


05-07-06, 22:01
Thanks for that Polly, I feel like a rain cloud today so you have just given me hope for a silver lining!!

Thanks for responding.

06-07-06, 07:34
Hi Chica, welcome to the forum. I've been on them for 10 days and have had a couple of side effects in my tummy and dry throat. These are wearing off now. i have also had a couple of good days but anxiety did get worse for a while. Still a little shakey at the moment too. I had them 4 years ago and they really helped me then. I'm on 10mg going up to 20 next week.

Take care

'This too will pass'

06-07-06, 11:36
hi chica
just wanted to say hello and welcome to no more panic,


06-07-06, 15:44
hi Chica and welcome to NMP

Take care



06-07-06, 17:13
Hi Chica

Welcome to the forum.

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

06-07-06, 18:53
Hia Chica and welcome to the site :)
Know you will find loads of advice and support and help on here.I cant really give you advice about the citalopram because i couldnt take them they gave me bad side effects that i couldnt cope with but others have had fantastic results with them,because you have been on them 4 weeks you are probably over the worst of the side effects now and on the up.Your bound to get the odd day where you feel a little down but hopefully they will pass really quickly so there are fewer and fewer:D
take care cheryl xx

06-07-06, 19:36
Hi Chica

Welcome aboard.

Go to the medication forum and read the posts under there - loads on citalopram

Hope it helps.


emma chant
06-07-06, 20:50
Hi Chica,
Just wanted to say hello and hope your feeling better today

e chant

07-07-06, 14:29
Welcome to the forum, hope you get loads of good advice
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

07-07-06, 18:51
Hi Chica,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

I am on citalopram and have been for 8 years on and off and they have helped me a lot, I am now just on 10mg to keep my anxiety under control.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'