View Full Version : Ok Im clear of breast cancer now my new worry

29-04-12, 00:50
After my stillbirth in January ( he was full term due to a cord accident he passed away) I guess you can say I went a little loopy. I got this huge fear that I had breast cancer, I had a bad burning going through my right breast and thought for sure that is it I am done for. After a mamogram, two different breast ultrasounds, blood work, chest x ray, chest ct scan shoulder x ray.. I have come to the conculsion I must be ok. I went to a breast specialist who said that I am so clear of anything in my breasts the only other thing he could do would be to take the breasts off so that I dont worry, He was joking of course. Now I have thought maybe I have something wrong with my throat, not that it hurts, or anything just on my right side under my jaw has always been a little lumpyer then the rest, though on my CT scan it said I had a calcified lymph node on my right side of my throat though I am not sure that is where they ment. So now when I should be feeling relieved and happy I am worried like crazy again. I wanted to try again to have another baby before I am to old, I am 34 now. But I think I am doomed and crazy. I honastly believe that I must be nuts to constantly worry so so much. I think with all the tests that I have had in the last two months something would have turned up abnormal if I had a cancer of some sort right? My hopes and dreams are being shattered due to the fact I think I am dieing every five minutes.

29-04-12, 05:15
Sorry to hear :(
Did you ever find a reason or cause for the burning in your breast ?
It's a natural reaction to freak out in worry when you have a physical symptom .
It becomes anxiety when you attach too much fear to it , when you imagine the worst,
I guess what I'm saying it's not so much the symptoms that are the issue, but the fear we attach to it.
So the lump in your jaw is harmless , so it's not the lump that's the problem it's the obbsessive worry about it .
I do think the trauma of losing your child and the phycial symptoms caused your anxiety , it can also be genetic too in some people .
You're stuck in a cycle , you notice a symptom and worry about it , then your maintain the fear by googling it or getting more tests than you might need.
Anxiety is somewhat of habbit , you feel like youre going round in circles trying to find a way out .
Seems like health anxiety , I get that too . Often a tiny symptom snowballs into convincing your self something is wrong or you have cancer.
Aw my dear anxiety is not rational ;)
So don't think you're crazy as you're fully aware you have anxiety , that you worry too much and over react to stuff .
Have you seen a CBT therpist or someone to help you get unstuck n break the cycle of fear ?

---------- Post added at 05:15 ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 ----------

I've been using this program , its all about the cycles we get stuck in and it's explained in a way I can understand . It teaches you how to take the fear out of the symptoms .
My biggest mistake was avoiding everything that caused me anxiety , going eventually it'd go away .
I did need to reread the book/comic style , a few times for it to click.
I'm not sure how helpful it is for health anxiety but it helped me with my panic attacks and and general anxiety.