View Full Version : Trying not to worry, help ease my mind?

29-04-12, 10:29
All started about a year ago with a small lump in my neck, which turned out to be nothing. Since then i have a HA about checking my body for lumps. I feel like I can feel these little lumps everywhere! What eases my mind is where I feel them I always feel them in the exact same place in the opposite side of my body, which I'm pretty sure if they were lymph nodes or bad ones they wouldnt be infected on the same exact part of the body on each side.

I'm starting to think these little lumps I feel aren't even lymph nodes, and I've had them for a year, so if they were something I would of had at least one other side effect right?

29-04-12, 10:30
Can you describe the lumps a little more? like where they are and how big they are?

29-04-12, 10:36
well where do I start lol. from my legs to my ribs to my stomach to my neck to my underarms. They aren't very big, maybe not even 1cm and they have never grown. I'm beginning think theyve always been there and im just now realizing it. I'm quite overweight so I think it has something to do with the fat everywhere.

29-04-12, 10:43
you feel them the exact same side of your body? they are probably meant to be there then!

I have felt lumps before and then felt relived to find on on the other side. You have had them for a year with no growth? I think you're fine ;)

However, I DO have lots of lumps as I have multi lipoma (non cancerous fatty lumps) so I'm smothered in them and have no idea how I will ever tell a cancerous lump apart from them.

29-04-12, 10:43
I would honestly say they have always been there, fatty deposits are normal, I have them in my hips etc... Lymph nodes you will know about, groin, underarm and neck and they are generally quite painful if swollen, and if they had been there for a long time you would know because you would be quite ill, lymph nodes are a sign of infection in the body.
Hope this has eased your mind a bit

29-04-12, 10:53
Thanks guys, you have no idea how much youve both eased my mind. I was thinking possible lipoma. I'm only 18 years old and I won't let it consume me. Damn my lumpy body!