View Full Version : Going away to university

29-04-12, 12:24
Hi guys,
So I'm due to go to university in September to do a masters degree. It's about 3 hours from my parent's home. I did my undergrad half an hour away from home so I've always had a close support group when I need it.
I'm anxious about everything!
Going away, living alone and independently, getting a job, making friends, doing my degree...everything!
And I don't go away until september.
Does anyone have suggestions for how I might make the transition easier?

29-04-12, 13:12
What is life like now for you? It all depends on how you are now. Most people would be anxious about the things you have said, that is completely normal.

29-04-12, 13:39
Hi guys,
So I'm due to go to university in September to do a masters degree. It's about 3 hours from my parent's home. I did my undergrad half an hour away from home so I've always had a close support group when I need it.
I'm anxious about everything!
Going away, living alone and independently, getting a job, making friends, doing my degree...everything!
And I don't go away until september.
Does anyone have suggestions for how I might make the transition easier?

Okey, let' have a look at the basics. What are you reading for your MSc? Is it by research or or is it taught? If the latter you're guaranteed to be in a supportive community, esp. since most MSc students are there for the love of the subject as against the desire for the university experience. If it's by research then you'll have a tutor who will become your best friend (until write up when you can pin his/her photo on the dart board, and I speak from experience :-). It's quite different from the undergrad community, and in my opinion much better. If you know who your tutor is likely to be get in touch with early by e-email and say hi.

You needn't live alone, contact the university accommodation officer to see what accommodation they have on their books. Some have accommodation for postgrads on campus, others may be able to put you in touch with others looking for similar.

You've plenty of time before pen hits paper in September, so do visit the university's host city and get to know it more. You'll make friends much easier if you know your way around when future friends don't.

one of us BSc (York) MSc (UEA) PhD (UEA)

30-04-12, 09:27
Hi there, try and not look at the whole thing as one big worry. Any one moving away and making new friends, starting a new course etc would have these worries. My daughter has a very high anxiety and aspergers syndrome and is successfully attending Cambridge university and she felt just as you are describing. As thing fall into place they will seem less daunting. Try and deal with one thing at a time, liking visiting the area as suggested and feeling confident about the accomodation and choosing one that suits you. My daughter managed to join groups on facebook for her course and tracked down people on the course or in her accomodation to start contact with. It was comforting to actually speak to other students and realise they had their own concerns, like one girl coming from Canada who had never been in the country. She gained confidence by offering this girl support and trying to make her feel better( you never know who you will meet). We also promised to leave our phone on 24 hours a day so that she could always contact someone. At the end of the day we said go, try it you are not committed to anything if it is that stressful and unbearable, walk away, you gave it a go. Having that choice made her feel she was choosing to go and had choices. 8 months on she is still there, just comes home a lot for visits and has friends go and stay up there. She very quickly found a supportive small group and Im sure you will too. best of luck.