View Full Version : Earache and HA high :-(

29-04-12, 13:32
I was doing so well lately, had an earache and slight cold. Went to docs who said I had a retracted eardrum, did not want to give antibiotics but suggested steam inhalations etc. It doesn't seem to be getting better, earache, headache and off balance feeling :-(
I went on google to look up home remedies for earache and guess what! Found a post on brain tumour, on how some tumours can give earache. Now my HA is back with a vengeance and I am so annoyed with myself and scared.
Any advice would be grateful, thank you

29-04-12, 13:57
Sorry to hear you have an infection. An ear infection is a really painful thing :-( However I'm sure that is all you have as a brain tumour would more likely be causing ear pain with the ear looking healthy, but your ear pain has a visible source, a middle ear infection which is causing low pressure in there and drawing your eardrum back. Ouchy.

Now, how about banning Google? I have literally had to self-impose a Google ban because I found that Google was only serving to make me panic, rather than helping me out. This is the single, simplest, yet biggest, piece of advise I can give. Please give it a go? :-)

30-04-12, 08:51
Thank you AnnOBrien. Google ban is now active.

30-04-12, 10:13
Excellent, good to hear, a Google ban will really help you :-)