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View Full Version : im new plz read i need help

29-04-12, 15:08
hi im new to this site have been suffering HA since july last year when i became ill with bowel problem i got really poorly.
i have diverticular disease and a polyp removed which i convinced my self i had bowel cancer which my grandma passed away from 4 years ago.and since then im in constant fear that im going to die and leave my babies.i lost my mum when i was 23 due to depression and alcoholism i have lost a few ppl close to me.
i have been to the docs loads of times over different things. she has referred me to a councillor which will take up to 12 weeks after my initial assessment.
my recent health issue. i have been having a constant pain under my right rib and travels to the left:scared15: also back ache i feel constantly tense.she has done a liver blood test which im awaiting the results. and has made an app for an ultra sound in 2 weeks of my abdomen she thinks it could be gallstones.
im in constant panic that there is something really wrong with me and i work myself up to the point where i get palpation's :(
i just really need some reassurance i really can't cope with this constant fear everyday.
i just want to be back to being me without this constant fear :(

29-04-12, 15:24
Hi and :welcome:

I had a sigmoidocopy on Friday and was told I had some diverticular (but not the disease) and I also had one polyp which they took a biopsy of so I am waiting to hear about that. I also have Crohn's disease too.

I have read quite a few posts on here about the pain you are experiencing and I agree it could be gallstones or it could be something like acid reflux/indigestion.

You need to get the tests/scans done first so you know what you are then dealing with.

Until then try and relax as the stress will make things much worse as well

29-04-12, 15:37
hi thankyou for your reply nicola :) its so hard not to worry i always fear the worst.
i have diverticular all rnd my colon the doctor said if he scoped 100 ppl 50 would have it. i just take daily fibogel for it.
i have to ring for my blood results on tuesday this sounds silly but work myself up just doin that i have to take deep breaths before i ring. im just scared of what the results will be..xx

29-04-12, 17:43
They asked me if I was ever constipated as that can cause the diverticular and I said "I have never been constipated in my life - quite the opposite in fact". He also said to eat a high fibre diet - which I can't as that upsets the Crohn's - and to avoid seeds/pips in fruit as they can stuck in the holes and cause upset.

I am sure you will be fine and it won't be anything serious.

29-04-12, 19:02
They said the same to me I've never been constipated always regular. I only went because the poylp was causin bleedin otherwise I would have never known I had it. I still eat peanuts as its a good sorce of fibre. As long as I chew them properly. Did they say what u cud take to get a bit more fibre that wudnt upset your crohn's.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes not one of my strong points lol
Thankyou for takin the time to reply again :) its just good to talk to some1 that knows how it feels to have anxiety.
Hopefully one day we will be anxiety free :) xx

miss sparkle
29-04-12, 19:43
hi there. re the under rib pain thing, i am having that atm. i went to the doctors last week and was told unless i was being sick and or doubled over in pain, unlikely to be gallbladder related, but all doctors have different opinions don't they.
There are alot doesn't people on here that have mentioned same thing
You are not alone in all this x

30-04-12, 16:26
aw thankyou for your reply miss sparkle. its really annoying its constant there. my doc did liver function blood test rang for results today but i had a right panic before i rang thinking the worst then she put me on hold and i thought oh no :( but alls good my results are normal no action :yesyes:
i hate feeling this constant panic its awful..xx