View Full Version : Hungover today & feeling more anxious than ever

29-04-12, 15:44
Does anybody else find when they drink, they're anxiety levels are up more than usual?
I have tried to nap today as didn't get much sleep last night but I physically can't, I'm quite twitchy with a horrible headache & feeling jumpy also.
I also didn't really enjoy being out last night...in a nightclub with lots of people, loud music etc. I just wanted to go home...its horrible knowing you can't enjoy yourself like others...I was never like this before

29-04-12, 15:59
This has been discussed a lot on here, drinking massively increases anxiety, I would advise anyone suffering from anxiety not to drink at all. I stopped drinking for the reason you mentioned, the hangovers made my anxiety a lot worse.

29-04-12, 18:14
yes defo i end up feeling terrible the nxt day feeling breathless dizzy feel like im about to die its so horrible which is why i try to watch what i drink now hope your ok x

eight days a week
29-04-12, 18:20
Yep, me too :( It's blood sugar-related definitely for me because I'm super-sensitive to that anyway (it's probably I think what caused me to have panic attacks in the first place). I think glutamate also plays a big role if you're into looking at brain chemistry.

Plus now I'm on meds that don't interact at all well with alcohol (mainly propanolol). It sucks!

29-04-12, 19:34
Yep, me too :( It's blood sugar-related definitely for me because I'm super-sensitive to that anyway (it's probably I think what caused me to have panic attacks in the first place). I think glutamate also plays a big role if you're into looking at brain chemistry.

Plus now I'm on meds that don't interact at all well with alcohol (mainly propanolol). It sucks!

Thats weird that you say about blood sugar because I have problems with mine too (i think) never been diagnosed with it, however I'm always hungry even after eating loads especially when I'm doing exercise & working on my feet all day. Could you tell me abit more about yours?

I am feeling so weird tonight, I'm actually scared to go to sleep tonight because I feel so odd...

eight days a week
29-04-12, 19:51
Thats weird that you say about blood sugar because I have problems with mine too (i think) never been diagnosed with it, however I'm always hungry even after eating loads especially when I'm doing exercise & working on my feet all day. Could you tell me abit more about yours?

I am feeling so weird tonight, I'm actually scared to go to sleep tonight because I feel so odd...

I don't have a 'problem' with blood sugar (been checked for diabetes etc), it's just the way my body works. I have a 'fast'/'lazy' metabolism which means that carb/sugars go through me really really quickly. So, I get a huge rush off alcohol (or other very refined carbs/sugars), but an equally huge crash later on (which is not at all good for anxiety!).

Pasta (al dente) is pretty good for very slow-release carbs, but rice (especially wholewheat/wholegrain) is the best.

I too always feel hungry. I've been told that body types like ours need to 'graze' - continuously eat small amounts - not eat big meals. Whatever I eat I can never put on weight, but it's very easy to lose it. And if I'm very physically active I need to eat LOADS (and get huge sugar cravings, but that's just a short-term - and not particularly useful - fix).

So, don't worry at all - it's definitely extra anxiety due to the drinking I'd say (I have no medical training so it's just my opinion). You might feel rough but it's not dangerous short-term. Just probably best to take more care of long-term :)

29-04-12, 20:08
hello sorry to hear ur suffering that
. i got a hangover and i feel proper sketchy and shakey
alcohol is a depressant as they say so it can make anxiety much worse.
but i only suffer it if im alone without my friends.

so are these feelings not there when your sobber or always?? or just when you drink and do u abuse alcohol much when u go out? thats my problem with the anxiety.

i drink to get rid of anxiety, but if i go to my local pub alone, i feel anxious so i try to avoid doing that unless friends join me.

been drinking heavy thursday to sunday for 5years, its messed me up im so anxious now and get shy around people its horrible,

ALCOHOL Is like a devil, its so evil what it does to some people the withdraw makes me a nervous wreak, i know how you must be feeling tonight,

really hope you feel better soon and we shouldnt have to all suffer much longer :)
think medications crap and consueling is way 4ward, im taking mine next weekend
Dave from Bristol

29-04-12, 20:34
Sounds familiar Dave, I was like you and in the end I was a complete wreck, stopped drinking now, only way I could deal with the anxiety. I had to start from scratch, going back to do things completely sober, was scary but best thing I ever did.

I try to warn anyone who is at the beginning of that slippery slope, I wish someone had warned me, once you go down that road then it just gets worse.

Good luck with your counselling Dave, and I hope Girl afraid is feeling better.

30-04-12, 09:10
Hi GirlAfraid23

I agree with what has been posted so far. I was a heavy binge drinker and took recreational drugs from age 17 to 29. I have been sober 5 years now and can assure you drink will make your anxiety worse, the next day/days depending on how much you have taken. The trouble is adjusting to life without alcohol as it is very popular and if you are like me all your friends do it. When I tried going out without drinking I was very uncomfortable. I do still struggle going out sober but only stay at places for a few hours unless I relax and enjoy myself. Some posted that they have started fresh and learned to live life without alcohol it is hard but can be done. Good luck and I hope the hangover does not last too long....


16-05-12, 21:10
Wow! Me too!

I used to wake up in utter panic about what had happened the night before. I used to have to ask my housemate what had happened just to calm the horrible thoughts my mind would conjure up. Even when nothing had happened I would feel AWFUL. It was a really bad idea drinking on ecitalopram. I've since come off it and don't drink nearly as much and life is a lot easier! I will still drink on a night out but I drink a lot less - I'd say it's now a lot more about social drinking in that I can take the time to speak to friends, have a good dance and still remember it the next day!