View Full Version : Antibiotics??

29-04-12, 16:06
I am currently on Flucloxacillin 500mg 4x a day for an abscess on my stomach. I have had m.e/cfs for 11 years and suffer with HA the last 3-4yrs. I worried last week that the abscess was something sinister and started not sleeping etc. I feel awful and the left side of my body feels sore, i woke up this morning and i can't lift my shoulder up because the joint feels inflammed. Also when i was in bed this morning when i turned my head to the side i had vertigo for about 10 secs and this happened every time i turned my head. Does anyone know if this could be the antibiotics thats stirred all these symptoms up or is it HA? Also when you take antibiotics does the infection go into your blood stream? It feels like my body is inflammed and i have been doing ok with my m.e/cfs so i don't know why all this has flared up.

29-04-12, 17:58
Hi, I had a reaction to an antibiotic like that. Some can cause joint pain as a side effect, do you have the pamphlet that came with it? When I was on Bactrim I woke up and felt like I had arthritis. You may want to ring your doctor, they can tell you if it is ok to keep taking it or switch you to a different type.